When we aren't entirely living in integrity with our values and mission, then we are living in incoherence. When we are more invested in fantasies than reality, or when our idea of who we are is not aligned with what we are doing, this will create a state of dissonance. And when we are living in states of dissonance, that puts us at risk of being easily manipulated.
Sometimes we might even think we are living our best life, and maybe we are in some ways, but in other ways we could be living a fantasy and looking toward a future that isn't entirely aligned with our personal mission and life purpose.
Incoherence causes a state of dissonance between the mind and heart.
When your actions aren't aligned with your values, there will be a deep, yet unconscious, conflict between who you really are and the way you are living your life.
That creates dissonance and confusion in your mind, which clouds your thinking and blocks forward movement.
This incoherence and dissonance is why people can fall into fear campaigns by abusers in their personal relationships. It's also why people buy into the fear propaganda broadcasted through the media and social media.
Building awareness of abuse and manipulation requires identifying and resolving your inner conflicts and the ways in which you're not living coherently.
Usually when we are in a state of dissonance, even though we aren't entirely aware of it, deep down we know something is off and that creates a gnawing anxiety that won't go away.
This is also why abusers aim to confuse their targets. Abuse causes Cognitive Dissonance and the Cognitive Dissonance disrupts the intuition. This works much easier when a person is already in a baseline state of dissonance, incoherence or dissociation.
That's why the rules that abusers and tyrants create are non-sensical and constantly changing. They're always changing plans, convictions and goals to keep you seeking solid ground and to exhaust you in the process.
They say something adamantly in one moment, then in the next hour or day they suddenly flip a switch and say, just as emphatically, the exact opposite.
In one moment they can give you a compliment or say something "nice" and in the next breath they take it away with a devaluation.
You start to get confused and lose your connection to your intuition.
The abuse cycle involves idealization and devaluation. It's all part of the abuse. Even the love-bombing (idealization), which can appear to be an act of kindness, is actually just a manipulation meant to seduce or confuse you.
Many people looking back at their abusive relationships ask the question: Why was my intuition not working?
Millions of people might ask themselves that very question in the coming years as more truth comes out about what’s happening in the world.
You can't hear your intuition through the confusion and brain fog.
Cognitive Dissonance is caused by inner conflicts and incoherence of the mind and heart. This creates stress on the nervous system, which shuts down when overloaded. It becomes hard to feel or think clearly when you’re in that state of immobilization and collapse.
The primitive human psychological defense mechanism of denial is activated so the stress is temporarily relieved, but the conflict is not resolved and forward movement gets blocked.
Numbness sets in, suppressing feelings and creating a disconnection from self.
Cognitive Dissonance can also be caused when you're caught between the reality that you don't want to see vs. the fantasy that you want to believe in. This can be about a person, relationship, job, project or other life situation.
When you're leaving an abusive person or situation, if you want to help yourself resolve the Cognitive Dissonance, stop indulging in the fantasy of the "good" times when the abuser was love-bombing.
Recognize that was also part of the abuse cycle. It doesn't look like abuse. It looks like everything you'd been longing for.
Unresolved trauma makes you a prime target for manipulation.
In society nowadays, many people have the fantasy of "getting back to normal". This is the same fantasy that an abuse victim has when they want to get back to the "good" times.
It's the same toxic hope that tells you if you keep complying and doing what the abuser/s want, then your fantasy can be reached and things will be good and normal again.
But things were actually never "good" or "normal”. Those were illusions.
"Good" was just the seduction phase into the abuse and "normal" was a word we used to describe things we normalized in a world that was anything but normal long before 2020.
That carrot on the stick is never reachable because it doesn't exist. Abusers will trick you into believing that if you keep going, they'll let you have those "good" times and that "normal" life back again. Fantasy will keep butting up against reality as things get more and more uncomfortable.
Resolving the inner conflict causing dissonance is key to unsubscribing from the abuser's narrative.
It means you have to relentlessly face the truth. This is more difficult than it sounds.
You'll get clear when you're focused on the truth and reality, not your fantasies, illusions or the lies you tell yourself. Clarity doesn't just come with time. Healing doesn't just magically happen with time either. We actually have to do the work.
If you want greater clarity in your life, you'll need to ask yourself the right questions.
An abuse victim will be highly invested in the fantasy of what they want to believe about the abuser or the potential of the relationship. Yet it's not based on reality at all, which is why it is so dangerous.
This treacherous fantasy creates the unconscious pull that leads abuse victims back to abusers an average of 7 times. Sometimes it's 7 times with one abuser and other times it's a repetition compulsion with 7 different abusers.
Layers of compounding damage can be done every time that cycle is repeated.
This is why I've recommended to abuse victims to write down every abusive, manipulative thing the abuser did since they met them. It's called a Sobriety List because it's supposed to bring the mind out of the trance and into the sobriety of truth and reality.
This list of abusive, manipulative things includes the love-bombing, which is actually the most dangerous part of the abuse cycle because that's how abusers hook a target.
An abuse victim can relentlessly face the truth by reading the Sobriety List any time their mind wants to indulge in the fantasy of returning to the "good" times or when they feel their mind slipping back into denial and considering staying or returning to the abuser.
I have only one regret in the last two years. I wish I had created an extensive Sobriety List of the global events since January 2020.
I am well aware that the abuse of power didn't start then, however the events that have taken place since then are at another level, leading toward something truly nefarious.
I wonder how the 7 times phenomenon will manifest in society. Will it be 7 lockdown cycles? Or 7 injectables? Or 7 waves? Or maybe 7 of something else that hasn’t even happened yet?
Resolving the Cognitive Dissonance is one of the first steps for anyone who awakens from the abuse trance. It's also one of the first steps for awakening from the spell of global tyranny.
The following questions can help you start gaining greater clarity and awareness in your life right now:
When the sudden changes in the world shattered peoples' plans back in 2020, we were forced to look within and examine what really matters... How has your awareness of your values, mission and purpose changed over the last 2 years?
What inner conflicts or incoherence of core values and actions are currently disturbing your intuition, blocking you from knowing your mission and living your purpose? This question will involve examining what you really want and also what are the lies you’re telling yourself about that.
What is the path forward that’s most aligned with your values, mission and purpose?
Digging into this process of self-discovery and self-knowledge will help you identify the things that are keeping you stuck in life.
This work of resolving the inner conflicts and incoherence will get your mind clear and help you to stay unsubscribed from abuse and tyranny. We’ve seen a lot of propaganda, but we haven’t even seen the peak of it yet. Our spiritual hygiene in these times is key to staying sane and focused on reality.
You might not immediately know the answers yet to this self-inquiry. That’s okay. Keep asking yourself these questions to gain awareness and clarity. Your subconscious becomes your ally, seeking the answers for you. Pay attention as the insights and new perspectives are revealed through your daily experience.
Meredith, you helped me realize I was in an abusive relationship in Sept 2020. Then in Nov 2020, I recognized I grew up in a covert narcissistic family unit. Then in April 2021, I had my “frying pan moment” about the nature of the “matrix” I had been subscribed to my entire life and how my level of education actually made me MORE susceptible to falling for this narrative. That’s 3 frying pans in ~6 months! The amount of healing and personal growth has been commensurate with the trauma of realizing the ugly truth.
I’m a medical doctor and would be very interested in collaborating with you on a podcast, etc. That highlights the abusive structure of medical training. How the healthcare system selects for professionals with significant unresolved personal trauma (myself included). I can see with absolute clarity how trauma based mind control has impacted doctors, and set the framework for them to enable the abusive system to be perpetuated.
Thak you, it is so important to kbow about it! Thank you!