The Extortion of Trust & Ongoing Warfare Tactics
Sun Tzu perhaps could not have planned it better
The last few weeks have had a bizarre amount of train derailments, truck accidents, explosions, fires and other events at industrial plants. Surely such things happen, and probably more frequently than we know. However, something feels off about what’s happening lately.

In the recent weeks, there have been additional derailments, explosions and chemical fires, in Nebraska, North Carolina, Chicago, and Cleveland plus a fire at a uranium plant in Tennessee. It’s also happening outside USA in Canada, Netherlands, China, Argentina, and other places we probably aren’t hearing about.
Public officials assure us that all is well. They say we should trust the government.
Last week at the World Government Summit 2023, a panel was discussing how the global transformation will take place: “It cannot be gradual. It has to be driven by a certain shock.”
A campaign of chemical warfare and environmental terrorism would be a shocking covert war strategy. Is this the next New Normal?
One of the recent “accidents” is extremely concerning, yet still being downplayed and normalized by the media and government. The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio released 1.1M pounds of vinyl chloride and burned an even more toxic substance into the atmosphere, spreading far beyond The Heart of It All.
What’s the big deal about burning it? Independent journalist, Eric Coppolino has been studying dioxins and their effects for nearly 40 years. He writes that he hasn’t heard of any dioxin tests being done.
Coppolino cited a helpful analogy to show how much is considered “safe” by regulatory agencies.
Let's compare it to one single aspirin tablet. One aspirin tablet weighs 5 grains (or 325 milligrams, or 325 trillion femtograms), so to express one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, you would take a single aspirin tablet and divide it into 32 million (actually 32,172,218) miniscule pieces. Then one of those tiny pieces would represent one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD.
Another comparison: A single grain of table salt weighs approximately 0.1 milligrams or 100 billion femtograms, so to get an amount of table salt that weighs the same amount as one "safe" lifetime dose of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, you would divide a single grain of table salt into 9,900 microscopic pieces. One of those tiny pieces would represent a "safe" lifetime dose of dioxin.
Coppolino emphasizes that what you’re hearing about in the news is mostly avoiding the topic of dioxins.
It’s a massive gaslighting campaign to convince people that everything is fine, while locals watch the animals die or disappear, their children start to get sick and the adults are developing rashes among other early symptoms of the poisoning.
Most coverage of the train wreck in Palestine, Ohio is missing one word: dioxin. There were reportedly five tanker cars full of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), a precursor to polyvinyl chloride — that is, vinyl or PVC. Then there were four cars filled with PVC pellets. Burning vinyl is tied for the most serious source of dioxin in the environment — whether from trash incinerators, house fires or chemical spills. The other is the effluent from paper mills, which use chlorine bleach.
While vinyl chloride is a precursor chemical to making PVC, any time chlorinated compounds burn there will be dioxins created. And dioxin is also a byproduct of any manufacturing process involving chlorine, from “disinfectants” to the bleaching of paper. There was plenty of dioxin in those tanker cars before they caught fire.
Coppolino says that the effects of dioxins on adults are bad, those who react will start to feel sick; it’s distinctly “flu like”. Some will get rashes, which is a sign of the slow death of their liver and an indication of systemic poisoning. He describes the effects of dioxins in adults as a kind of time bomb causing miscarriages, infertility, hormone disruption, cancers and three generations of genetic damage.
Adults have greater body weight than kids. Coppolino says that children can get extremely ill and die. Animals — pets and livestock — can be killed immediately, along with wildlife. The smaller the body, the more dioxin acts like an acute poison rather than a long-term disruptor of every system.
Basically, he’s saying that it’s really bad for adults (as well as their future offspring, and theirs, and theirs …) yet it’s likely deadly for children and animals.
Coppolino also wrote a resource page for citizens and journalists in order to help facilitate efficient understanding of this complex issue.
The whole dioxin issue leads back to two conclusions
One, there is no safe level of exposure, so therefore, there is no acceptable level of contamination. Dioxin is a multigenerational genetic and hormonal toxin.
Two, public and corporate authorities will deny the problem and engage the public and the press in a complicated game of dissembling the truth, which in the past has included outright deception (including lying in scientific papers, to the press and in court), avoiding any accountability, filing fake lawsuits, burning down people’s homes, and by any other means necessary.
Here is Coppolino’s interview with Health Ranger, Mike Adams. Toward the end, Adams announces the steps he is taking to get the proper equipment and training for his team to soon be able to test environmental samples for dioxins.
You know your country is collapsing when citizens are stepping up to take on the most serious work.
The president flew to Ukraine this week to give away another $500M of taxpayer money, to fund more corruption and war, while he and his administration have no consideration for the people of East Palestine (as well as all the other areas of America that are getting hit by the fallout). He has a lot to say about Ukraine. Yet he turns his back and walks away when asked about East Palestine.
If we follow the money and trail of hypocrisy, it reveals the truth. This is the same administration that has been telling us how much they care about people being safe and healthy. Their entire COVID mandate coercion campaign was based on this premise; it’s for your good.
Speaking of hypocrisy, it’s incredibly odd that the Greenies are silent as this story unfolds. We aren’t hearing from the climate cult, who wants humans to believe that our personal carbon footprint is so harmful to this planet. Yet when it comes to a trainwreck of dioxins and other toxic chemicals, they have nothing to say.
What about the “water is life” movement? Are they not alarmed about what’s happening to the local water in East Palestine, spreading down the Ohio River and beyond?
Meanwhile, the EPA has determined that the municipal water in East Palestine is “safe” to drink.
We see the familiar "trust the government" message in a recent Fortune article. It’s even in the title, for the majority of people who only read the headlines.
That article is worth reading all the way to the end to see how the message is exactly the same as the COVID vax propaganda.
Trust us. We want you to be safe. We did the tests and scientists say everything is fine. Government agencies say it’s safe to ingest. All those stories of animals dying and people getting hurt, that’s just anecdotal.
It’s like Groundhog Day.
The level of "Trust Us" theater is becoming so absurd now, the local officials in East Palestine are drinking the water on camera. Remember when the public officials showed themselves on video getting their shots?
See, we’re doing it. It’s fine!
It’s also reminiscent of the movie biography of Erin Brockovich when she offers the corporation’s representatives a glass of water from the town they poisoned. They didn't drink the water in the movie.
In East Palestine, however, they made a scene of drinking the municipal water on video.
The EPA Administrator says, “We believe in science, so we don’t feel like we’re being your guinea pig. But we don’t mind proving to you that we believe the water is safe.”
Looks like they visited more than one home to toast with local residents and remark how “sublime” the water tastes.
Are they that stupid? Or do they think people are that stupid?
Maybe they know it’s too soon and the chemicals haven't worked their way into the water source yet. Perhaps they really believe in the “science”. Or maybe they're just incredibly delusional to believe that the testing was legit.
In January 2023, just a couple weeks before the big event, the CDC quietly changed the toxicology report for vinyl chloride. Of course there are occasional updates on such information, however the previous edit was 17 years ago and the timing of this recent revision is indeed sublime.
If this stirs a sense of deja vu, it’s probably because you remember the CDC updating the definition of key concepts during COVID, like “herd immunity” and “vaccine”.
Where are the voices of the doctors? Just like with COVID madness, once again, they are silent when it most matters.
Erin Brockovich recently commented on the situation in East Palestine.
"I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in the 30 years that I've done this. The lack of information, the lack of transparency, the confusion, not actually seeing any data sets. What are you looking for? What are you not looking for?"
As if the story wasn’t insane enough, today in Texas we just found out that the toxic wastewater used to extinguish the uncontrolled burn from East Palestine is being sent all the way to Houston. They plan to do a “deep well injection”.
If you’re thinking WTF, we are on the same page.
The wastewater is being sent to Texas Molecular, which injects hazardous waste into the ground for disposal.
“It’s ... very, very toxic,” Dr. George Guillen, the executive director of the Environmental Institute of Houston, said, but the risk to the public is minimal.
Both Guillen and Deer Park resident Tammy Baxter said their greatest concerns are transporting the chemicals more than 1,300 miles (2,090 kilometers) from East Palestine, Ohio; to Deer Park, Texas.
“There has to be a closer deep well injection,” Baxter told KTRK. “It’s foolish to put it on the roadway. We have accidents on a regular basis ... It is silly to move it that far.”
What could possibly go wrong?
Clearly our infrastructure is not sound enough to handle such a grave responsibility. These chemicals (and their wastewater) are not safe to be transported.
We still don’t have answers about the security camera footage in Salem showing the train had already caught fire YET KEPT GOING for 20 miles before the derailment in East Palestine. The train’s data and audio recorder is being analyzed in Washington D.C.
Apparently only one employee and two trainees were on board. They were allegedly told to keep going once the sensor notified them of the problem, even though the train was carrying very dangerous chemicals. No one has identified or interviewed the conductor and others to find out what happened. Shouldn’t that be a huge news story?
The minimization and normalization campaigns abound.
During a press conference on Tuesday, Bruce Vanderhoff, the director of the state's Department of Health, said that most of the chemicals of concern are in a group known as Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs. Many VOCs are human-made chemicals used in a variety of products and that can be emitted by paints, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and more, according to the EPA.
These compounds, Vanderhoff said, are "a part of our everyday life."
They go on to assure that it's safe and everything is fine.
Officials have been testing the air quality of East Palestine since the derailment. After initially evacuating residents, Vanderhoff said that they were permitted to return to their homes because "the air really looked pretty much like it did before this event happened."
“Pretty much”?
As part of its remediation plan, the railway company said that groundwater monitoring wells will be installed within and near where the derailment occurred. The number of monitoring wells wasn't finalized as of the Feb. 10 plan. The company also said that the groundwater wells located between the two active tracks of the railroad will be "avoided wherever possible."
"Collection of data from these locations involves substantial additional risk at little additional value relative to wells outside of the immediate track footprint," the document says.
Even though the municipal water wells were deemed safe, the state said that private water wells should still get tested by an independent consultant. In the meantime, residents who rely on private drinking sources should continue to use bottled water, the governor's office said.
Vanderhoff said Tuesday that residents should use bottled water, especially if they are pregnant, breastfeeding or using water to make baby formula.
"The bottom line is that from the very start of this, we have taken every step possible to assure that people's safety was first and foremost," he said.
They're assuring the town that the municipal water source is fine after doing these preliminary tests, while telling people who have private wells that they’ll need to have those tested on their own, which is very expensive.
However, the municipal water testing was condemned as "sloppy".
The testing that Ohio authorities relied on to declare the municipal water in East Palestine safe to drink after a disastrous train derailment was funded by the railroad operator itself and did not initially comply with federal standards, HuffPost has learned.
Sam Bickley, an aquatic ecologist at Virginia Scientist-Community Interface, an advocacy-focused coalition of scientists and engineers, alerted HuffPost to the sampling errors and called the report “extremely concerning.”
“Their results that claim there were no contaminants is not a reliable finding,” he said via email. “I find this extremely concerning because these results would NOT be used in most scientific applications because the samples were not preserved properly, and this is the same data they are now relying on to say that the drinking water is not contaminated.”
Again we see the familiar issue of the “science” not adhering to scientific protocols.
AECOM, the Dallas-based consulting firm contracted by Norfolk Southern, sampled untreated water from the five municipal wells, each about a mile from the derailment site, as well as treated municipal water on Feb. 10. Those samples were analyzed by Eurofins TestAmerica Laboratories, an environmental testing lab in Canton, Ohio, on Feb. 13 and 15, according to Eurofins’ analysis. Five of the six collected samples had pH, or acidity, levels that exceeded the 2 pH limit allowed under the EPA method listed in the analysis for detecting volatile organic compounds, rendering them improperly preserved.
One sample also “contained a large air bubble in its vial, while the EPA method requires that sample bottles should not have any trapped air bubbles when sealed,” the report states.
David Erickson, a hydrogeologist and the founder of Water & Environmental Technologies, an environmental consulting firm in Montana, called the sampling “sloppy” and “amateur.”
“Due to improper sampling protocols, there could have been more contaminants in the sample than what showed on the analytical,” Erickson said, explaining that a bubble in a sample is problematic because contaminants can move into the airspace and go undetected.
Norfolk Southern dismissed the issue as a recording error at the Eurofins lab that ultimately did not affect the test results. It said it directed a second analysis of the same samples.
“Though the initial data was valid, we wanted to ensure compliance with EPA standards, and proactively asked the lab to rerun the samples with the remaining preserved vial from each sample,” Connor Spielmaker, a spokesperson at Norfolk Southern Corp., said in an email. “Reanalysis of the samples ensured method compliance and again produced a result indicating safe water. The lab did not update the comments to note the re-testing and erroneously included the comments from the initial test.”
The federal EPA has not done its own sampling of municipal water in East Palestine.
That certainly sounds dodgy, and people ought to be distrusting of what’s happening and what’s being said.
However, it’s perhaps even worse for those who don’t have municipal water in East Palestine. Residents are being offered $1000 and free water testing of their home’s well instead of having to pay $50,000 to get it tested. In exchange for this free service and cash incentive, people could be waiving their future right to sue.
Do you have deja vu hearing about incentives and free interventions that are promised to keep people safe and healthy?
An act of perceived kindness is an integral parameter of the Stockholm Syndrome. Perceived is the keyword. The act of perceived kindness works as a form of manipulation to cause a target to relax their guard and extend trust toward the perpetrator.
There’s always a hook when the perp offers help or something “free”.
Just a few months ago, in October 2022, it was announced on local news that residents of the small town of East Palestine would be offered the opportunity to register for digital health IDs “in case of emergency”. The three-year plan to get MyID going started in January 2023.
Maybe it’s just another wild coincidence that this was already arriving to the town of people who are now being chemically poisoned. Instead of recommending they leave for good, they’re being offered the chance to be test subjects for the new technology as they report their escalating health issues.
Last weekend I watched the movie everyone is talking about, White Noise. The movie was released on Netflix just a couple months before the big event in East Palestine, and it happened to be filmed in East Palestine. Two of the extras in the movie are actually residents of East Palestine.
The movie centers around the fear of death. The main character is giving a weird speech about Hitler, emphasizing the word “death”, just as the camera cuts to the train accident, which spills dangerous toxic chemicals in town.
A big, black cloud forms in the sky. People see it, mostly ignoring it and waiting for the government to tell them what to do. Residents are evacuated. As the confusing and conflicting instructions change, the people keep following the direction of the government. They’re told they can return to their homes a few days later. Then they go back to normal, acting like everything is fine and nothing happened.
It gets even creepier toward the happy American ending where the cast gathers to dance in a fully stocked supermarket with 1980s prices, since the movie was based on a 1985 novel. Watching that scene is bizarre when juxtaposed on the reality of grocery shopping sticker shock in America nowadays.
Coincidence theorists might say this is all perfectly normal. And maybe it is, in some very strange universe. But the more I find out about this story, the more my alert signals are flashing red.
We seem to have entered a quickening process now as things are escalating at another level. The worse it gets, the more we are being told to trust, however it’s clear that there have been too many betrayals to count. One of my mentors jokes, yet in all seriousness, that trusting the government at this point is like trusting a spouse who has cheated and lied, over and over again. How can you possibly trust that they won’t do it again?
The perpetrators are shifting warfare tactics but using the same propaganda and gaslighting script. It’s still quite hidden and easily covered in plausible deniability, yet it’s evident when looking from a spiritual perspective.
Yes, our infrastructure is falling apart like a scene from Atlas Shrugged. While that may be normalized, it’s anything but normal.
Yet it's even worse than that. What we are observing seems to be an extermination campaign, a continuation of the same one that kicked off in 2020, though it started many decades ago, if not longer.
While the puppet masters are meticulously attacking every pillar of human life, just as a perpetrator does in order to destabilize a target in an abusive relationship, it all comes down to spiritual warfare. Prayer is the greatest protection.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand firm.
Ephesians 6:12-13
When I was growing up in Youngstown, Ohio, I always thought the state motto was “The Heart of It All” because it was on license plates, billboards and bumper stickers.
If we return to the heart of it all, perhaps we can see the bigger picture.
Abusive interpersonal relationships, much like what we are experiencing in the world, bring devastation and destruction. It cuts deep and leaves scars, some of which perhaps never fully heal. Yet it also carries with it a divine invitation. It’s all a calling back to God.
Just now as I’m writing this, I discovered that the Ohio state motto is actually: “With God, All Things Are Possible.” This serendipity is reassuring in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds stacked against humanity.
It may seem like things are really bad. And I’m quite sure that it will get much worse before it gets better. The plague of treachery in this world makes it difficult to trust in a higher purpose of it all.
When it’s really dark and we can’t see the path forward, we can put our eyes in the soles of our feet, sensing one step at a time. Trusting God in hard times is an act of faith.
This is what a world looks like with psychotic narcissists running hog-wild, and never...ever being held accountable.
Calling them out by name is the right (but scary thing) to do, as what happened to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he said the United States was the biggest purveyor of death and destruction the world has ever seen.
I'll name a few and ask others to add names to this list. Anthony Fauci, Barak Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, the Cheney's, the Clintons, Jeff Bezos, the CIA, the FBI, the U.S. military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, the corporate charter school complex, Big Pharma.
I find it harder and harder to leave a comment, because we all end up saying the same thing over and over again.....I ask myself every day when it will start to turn in our fear is things will get worse before they get better, and holding the line is getting harder with each passing day, each new disaster, and it's dismissal by our governments. "Everything will be fine" sounds like the title of a dystopian film.