A Whole New World
Sharing Evolutionary Light Codes During the Great Mutation in Human Awareness
Maybe you can relate to having had some awesome synchronistic encounters and conversations with people that inspired you to see things differently or brought a message right when you needed a nudge to take action on something.
Those encounters can be magical, and that’s not new.
Yet what's happening since November with Pluto in Aquarius is a whole other level of magic.
Lately the synchronistic connections are bringing quantum shifts, not just interesting and timely inspiration. There's an amplified effect of the frequency shared between people.
I'm realizing this is the big Plutonian theme for the next 20 years. The transformations that we are experiencing personally and globally have to do with the light code activations. There’s a new way of living in ease and effortlessness when we are in the right frequencies.
It’s also making it extra clear what's not aligned any more. That’s the energy of resistance, struggle, depletion and drag.
When it is aligned, we are instantly upgraded through exposure to these light codes, even from life-long patterns that seemed inescapable before. Of course there’s always the element of free will and evolving is a choice. Not everyone will choose to evolve. Many will stay in the victimhood and this isn’t about saving them or waking them up.
Aquarius is about a lot of things such as technology, humanity, the individual in the collective, uniqueness and innovation, non-conformity, authentic self-expression, disruption, revolution and rebellion, liberation, human rights, vision and the future, frequencies and evolution.
Many astrologers have said these next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius will bring deep transformations in societal structures and social consciousness, technology, humanity and the collective mindset, pushing us to re-think our collective systems and the way individuals exist within the collective.
Aquarius isn’t about losing the self through unity or conformity—it’s about the authentic liberated individual within the collective.
What's unique this time, as opposed to the last time this transit happened about 250 years ago, is that now we have the Ai element. Big (and relevant) questions are surfacing in terms of how humans and Ai will co-exist in our world and what that will mean for us all.
We will likely see technology advancements that will either serve individuals and humanity in a good way or aim to imprison us—and probably a bit of both.
We will either see the emergence of more humanitarian systems that make life easier for us as individuals and a society or next level abusive systems disguised as for the collective good—and probably a bit of both.
Energetic discernment is going to be one of the most important life skills for these times.
What's real is getting ever more confusing, especially online.
Despite the trend of rationalism during the last 400 years, the mind is not our best tool for discernment. Many things disguised as one thing are actually something else and the mind usually can't tell the difference, especially when it gets caught up in distractions and other forms of mental masturbation.
The shifts in our world are requiring us to be able to sense frequency and recognize its nature vibrationally.
The Pluto transit through Aquarius overlaps with the 2027 shift in consciousness according to Human Design. Some are calling it the Great Mutation, which officially starts on February 28, 2027 and will expand over the next several hundreds of years.
The “mutation” is happening in the solar plexus emotional center.
We are moving into an era of discerning and perceiving reality through the solar plexus instead of the mind.
Those who are mind-centered are going to really struggle through these shifts. The more we run from truth and transparency, the more we will struggle. The more we grasp onto rigid rules and outdated certainty, the more we will struggle. The more confused we are about what’s real, the more we will struggle. The more we hold on to the victim consciousness, the more we will struggle and resist the changes.
For the last 400 years, humans have been most reliant on logic, mental processing, reason and external validation. Certainly the mind is a fantastic human trait that animals don't have access to. Yet our true power does not come from the mind.
In 2027 as we start moving into this next evolution of human consciousness, our primary awareness center and seat of decision-making is going to be the solar plexus, which governs intuition, emotional clarity, true self and spiritual discernment. We will find our power in the choices we make from these aspects.
This is precisely why the manipulators of our world, from the micro to the macro level, are trying to confuse us, put us in a brain fog, make us more dysfunctional, disconnect us from each other as well as our connection with All That Is, and condition us into a state of learned helplessness where we outsource our power and perception of reality.
It’s interesting that we are already seeing the new awareness shift in humanity, and it’s becoming clearer now that Pluto is in Aquarius giving us a glimpse into the future.
The innovators and early adapters often start making shifts before the collective. We've already been witnessing that happen in the recent years.
Those who were guided solely by mental awareness, looking for external validation, basing the perception of reality and decision-making on logic, rules, societal expectations and “peer-reviewed” studies during the mass deception of the COVID campaign were led astray into a false perception of reality, which they were coerced into believing was so certain and real. They were driven by fear, survival and external pressure in order to get the false security of external validation.
Those who were able to tap into the solar plexus awareness could feel something was off. We used our emotional clarity, intuition and spiritual discernment to decipher what was real and what wasn't, to make choices that support our health, sanity and wellbeing, even when we didn’t necessarily have the rational facts to back it up. We stood by our decisions even when the peer pressure was overwhelming. We just sensed what we needed to do.
We can't be lied to and deceived when we have the emotional clarity and discernment of the solar plexus awareness.
Try as they might to censor the truth and spread propaganda from all angles, when we have clear solar plexus awareness, we can sense the vibration of the misinformation and feel the truth in our body, even when we don’t have external proof yet.
The movie the Matrix depicted how humans were being used as energy sources and organic batteries for the inorganic machine-like rulers of our world, which is a fantastic metaphor for the beings without conscience inhabited by evil entities playing good AKA psychopaths (a mental construct term which doesn’t fully explain their nature or what they do in this world). The Matrix is a construct of the mind, like a giant holographic spider web entangling and influencing the psyche of humans, even from far ends of the construct.
When we own the power of our solar plexus emotional awareness, we are no longer offering our emotions to be harvested for feeding the distorted power structures of this world.
That doesn't mean we can't fall where we have blindspots.
Our blindspots are any areas of unresolved trauma and emotional residue.
The global mafia is rushing to push through their Grand Finale of a power grab during this decade because they know that their reign of centuries of mind control over humanity is ending.
They will make plenty of mistakes by way of hubris. Likewise we can fall into a similar trap because pride is just a distorted desire coming from an ego-based inferiority / superiority stance.
Integrating trauma is essential for having a clear channel of solar plexus awareness.
Emotional processing and clearing is key to making this quantum leap in human evolution without having to struggle so much. When we are overloaded with mental distortions and emotional residue from past traumas, we don't have clear access to the intuition and solar plexus emotional discernment.
Last year when I found out about the Human Design 2027 shift, it made so much sense because of what I see with my work in trauma integration.
Every time I guide clients into their body to track the imprint of their core wound, they always find it in their "stomach,” which is the solar plexus area. Some of them actually say the solar plexus because they’re aware of the chakras. The sensations of the wound tend to radiate outward to other areas which are often more noticeable first, but the epicenter of the unresolved trauma is in the solar plexus.
It's no coincidence that we are living in times of increasing traumas in our world.
On the one hand this is overwhelming people. Yet on the other hand, it's triggering up to the surface our old unresolved traumas (including the ancestral trauma we inherited) so these can enter our awareness, be processed and integrated in order to evolve.
It's also no coincidence that people have been conditioned to be ever more reliant on external validation and mental constructs of reality that are coming from the media, social media and other virtual spaces.
This is creating more distortion in our perception of reality, in our perception of self, as well as our ability to have emotional clarity for making decisions.
It's becoming more challenging to distinguish truth from illusion. That stress is causing people to outsource their perception of reality in exchange for a sense of relief. It’s also causing people to become more dependent on external validation for a sense of security.
With so many emotionally-charged narratives being spun from every direction, people are being desensitized and / or hyper-sensitized, both of which distort our pure energetic sensitivity that allows us to be attuned to the subtle energies within ourselves and in the world around us.
The old collective systems that humans built from mental constructs are going to continue breaking down so we can create and adapt to new ways of living.
We are transitioning from being so dependent and reliant on the collective systems, instead moving toward individual empowerment and self-reliance within the collective.
On the interpersonal and the societal level, it's not about the individual vs. the collective. It's about the empowerment and liberation of individuals within the collective, which benefits and brings harmony to both.
These shifts are bringing changes to our relationships as well, which is the smallest unit of the human collective.
We are shifting out of the era of codependency and role-based relationships into higher vibrational partnerships based on mutual self-awareness and a shared mission while both partners are also living from a sense of inner purpose and personal fulfillment, which leads to shared healing, growth, liberation and evolution.
It’s not a coincidence that the biggest challenge for relationships nowadays is the emotional realm. When two people meet, it's often more like trauma meets trauma, which leads to more trauma, defensiveness and disconnection.
This is why so many relationships are failing and people are seeking new ways of “connecting,” most of which is unfortunately coming from a place of unresolved trauma and leading to more trauma instead of true connection.
Most people are trying to connect from externally-imposed mental constructs instead of from what’s real. When the facade breaks down, quickly the emotional residue from unresolved trauma gets triggered. Then the mind makes up a (likely delusional) story about it instead of recognizing that there’s healing and integration work needed.
The more emotional residue that builds up from traumatic experiences, the more we tend to avoid or suppress it instead of processing and integrating, which then leads to more distortion, dysfunction and disconnection.
Our ability to connect with others depends on our inner healing, the clearing of past emotional residue and conditioning, so we can be more present, more empowered and more able to process with greater ease in the moment. Then we can connect from a deeper place of authenticity, transparency, awareness, responsibility, freedom and reality.
Healing our emotional trauma is the only way to access emotional clarity.
Our awareness is being shifted into the solar plexus so we can access our power here. Yet it's hidden and distorted under the layers of unresolved trauma and emotional residue.
This is why there are so many symptoms of trauma gone wild in our world, and that trend will continue until we face it because this is our evolutionary calling.
As we navigate the transition between the old and new paradigms, we are in the liminal space of uncertainty, which is scary, yet it’s also the opening to infinite possibility.
In this transitional state, there’s a loosening of the grip of the old rigid systems and rules that are no longer working in the new energies. Resisting these changes and trying to hold onto the old ways will only lead to more struggle.
Emotional mastery is key to being able to access solar plexus discernment and ride the waves of emotion without making reactive, misled decisions.
Clarity arises as the peaks and lows of emotions settle and we can make calm decisions from an inner place of peace.
Emotional awareness becomes a powerful guide for discernment instead of obstacles, distortions or distractions.
Trauma healing is key to being able to release old distortions, social conditioning, subconscious programming and emotional residue from the past. This includes processing the ongoing trauma of loss and disruptions as the old systems collapse.
Creating new forms of safety, self-reliance and sovereignty is going to be key to releasing our attachments and addictions to outdated systems. Then we can let go of the false security blankets we used to rely on, which are now falling apart at the seams.
Updating identity on an ongoing basis is key to being able to release the limiting past narratives and paradigms about who we are so we can step into higher potential and higher timelines. These timeline shifts are starting to happen very suddenly. A lot can change on a quantum dime in these new energies.
Strengthening intuition is key to being able to connect deeply with our authentic selves, our soul purpose and the universe in which we live. The intuition is the best barometer of reality. The new children born after the 2027 shift in Human Design incarnation cross will already be wired to the new solar plexus awareness so they can lead the way into the future. That doesn’t mean they can’t be conditioned into the Matrix through their parents and society, but I would bet their native emotional awareness will have a powerful reckoning effect on the distorted social world around them.
Discernment is key to recognizing what feels authentic so we can identify shared values and shared resonance in order to be guided toward the people and situations where we will be able to create and thrive during these times of big changes. When everything is collapsing like a scene in the movie Inception, there’s a temptation to drift into nihilism and depersonalization. If nothing feels real any more, that’s either a launching point toward transformation and growth or insanity and apathy. Discernment will lead us through the heavy fog, and the smoke and mirrors.
Shifting our locus of discernment from the mind to the solar plexus is key to being able to recognize reality in a confusing and chaotic time, to know what's real and what's not. This is the evolution of our human awareness so we can navigate the energetic and physical changes in our world as we move into the future.
Embodiment is key to returning our locus of decision-making internally in order to strengthen our presence, awareness and sovereignty from a grounded place instead of seeking false refuge in the constructs of the mind, or worse yet, dissociating entirely.
Resilience is key to being able to continue navigating the chaos and adapting to the changes in our world so we can not only survive but also thrive during these times.
Spiritual awakening and integration is key to continually evolving as individuals and humanity so we can navigate the technological development in responsible and beneficial ways. We will also need to fully integrate our spirituality with our humanity instead of avoiding or shunning the flesh and who we really are. It's not about running away from our humanity via spiritual bypassing. It's about integration.
Creative expression through artistic form is key to imagining and creating the world we want to live in and the life we want to manifest in the new world. Creativity is the antidote to the destruction, and these are the two balancing forces in our universe.
To sum up the transitions we are moving through on a personal and collective level during the Pluto in Aquarius transit and the 2027 Human Design shift into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, we are navigating the liminal space between trauma and purpose.
We are being called to trust the process and step bravely into the unknown. Instead of clinging to our old ways of rigid mental certainty, this shift in human consciousness is inviting us to trust in intuition, to explore with curiosity and an open mind the unfolding revelation of life.
For sure we will face more existential debates about the nature of humanity, our relationship with each other as well as our relationship with technology, and our place in this universe.
This is the start of the new world now with Pluto officially in Aquarius for the next 20 years and we are getting closer to the 2027 solar plexus awareness shift. Are you starting to feel it too?
What's really standing out to me recently is the powerful catalysis happening in aligned connections where we each shift in positive ways by sharing light codes with one another. It's been happening constantly in the last month or so.
Yet this is only happening in connections where both people are empowered—in a state of full self-responsibility. I notice it's not happening with people who are in the victim consciousness. Those interactions are becoming more draining.
In a state of victim consciousness, we aren't receptive to the light codes.
Sometimes people think they're empowered when they're actually in a temporary ego-based state of superiority. It sounds like "better than," which of course also flip-flops into a state of inferiority or "less than" depending on the availability of external validation.
Superiority is a false empowerment even though it may feel like a temporary reprieve from feeling less than.
I’ve heard for a long time about "light codes" and that we can share these with one another. Most of the content I heard on the topic sounded like fluffy cliches and most of it indeed was about mental constructs. It was an interesting theory until I started experiencing it in real life in the last month or so.
I've noticed this through my interactions with several of my clients and friends. Every time I clear layers of my own stuff, I'm sharing those new light codes with them. We interact and suddenly they unleash a new level of creativity and clarity in their projects. They break through something and share their new light codes with me. Then over the next few days, I suddenly get new downloads and inspirational breakthroughs for my creative work.
I'm realizing how incredibly powerful it is when we transmute our darkness into light, not just in terms of how that transforms our own lives, but also how much more amplified this effect is when we share these codes together. Now I’m understanding that this is happening through the solar plexus emotional awareness.
In a group setting of people who are sharing light codes, that effect must be incredibly powerful!
THIS is why abusers use the Divide & Conquer tactic to keep us apart physically, ideologically and through triggering one another's defense mechanisms due to unresolved trauma.
When we are in the victim consciousness, we are blocked from sharing light codes. Even when one of the two people is in victim consciousness, there's a distortion in the quantum field that prevents the sharing and activation from happening.
We have to be in an internal state of empowerment to share light codes and activate one another.
We also need to be in a state of empowerment and responsibility to connect with others without triggering each other's defense mechanisms.
The abusers of our world know how powerful we are when we can actually connect and activate each other. And that's why they are vying so hard for total control of humanity in the 2020s.
They know that Pluto in Aquarius will be their last stand because these frequencies are boosting a critical mass of us to finally be able to break through and heal enough so that we can share light codes and activate one another, amplifying our power through connection, and creating a new world based on what's real and what matters.
The more of us who heal, activate and share our light codes, the easier it will be for others to shift out of the victim consciousness. Though not everyone will make that free will choice.
I know a lot of people are struggling now. The weight of the last several years of stress is piling up on top of the unresolved traumas everyone is carrying from long before.
I want to invite you to see that we are living in a new world now.
The quality of the energy is different and it's much easier to make quantum shifts out of old patterns and predicaments.
What is vibrationally aligned for your Future Self is becoming much more of a Heaven YES or a Hell NO. Can you feel it?
You don't have to keep struggling. Life doesn't have to be so hard any more. You can empower and liberate yourself from your past, as well as the ancestral traumas you inherited that were never yours to begin with . . . if that’s what you want.
The more you invest in your healing and growth, the easier you will flow with the evolutionary energies of Pluto in Aquarius and the Great Mutation.
I'm sensing that a lot more craziness will happen in the world, yet that will continue to wake more people up. I also know we can create our own little frequency bubbles of resonance with like-hearted souls where we are impervious to that chaos and can use it for an evolutionary purpose.
In Human Design, I was born under the Right Angle Cross of Eden. This incarnation cross is about creating Eden amidst the chaos, generating an inner sense of peace and paradise after trauma, being able to navigate the crises and emerge stronger on the other side, seeing the opportunity to transform the crises into resilience.
Perhaps this is why I've been so vocal about the evolutionary opportunity in the 2020s to transmute our wounds and traumas into a Legacy of Light. It's also why I feel so native to the liminal spaces that we are navigating during these times.
When we are in the liminal spaces, we start to feel the emergence and arrival of the new, yet we don’t really know exactly what it will be until we experience it as it starts to take form.
It is going to be surprising and also BEAUTIFUL!
Let’s ignore the ongoing fear and coercive control attempts to infect us with more victimhood consciousness. That’s an option and your choice is where you’ll find your power.
I so agree with you and have been feeling and experiencing this “exchange of light codes” with complete strangers. I have been calling them ‘Angel moments’…the synchronicity of two souls meeting and connecting, with the aid of their ‘angels’ who put us in each other’s path to share with one another, for a brief moment or an hour or so. And then travel on.
I’m older 72, so I have less years ahead of me than behind me. But I am seizing these moments, and sharing my wisdom and intuition with all fellow soul travelers that I encounter on my path.
There's so much good stuff in this post, I'm not sure where to start. So I think I'll start by saying a big 'Thank You'.
And pick upon just one theme: the role of creativity in post-traumatic growth (or trauma integration). In my experience the creative process (in arts & crafts, etc) by nature connects one via the solar plexus (gut instinct) to The-Source-Of-All-Life, with beautiful surprises as to what emerges whilst making a pot or weaving a scarf or painting a picture, etc.
And whilst in this process, there is no space for victim-hood mentality because the experience of 'magical synchronicities' also is very empowering and gifts deeper meaning as to why we are on this planet. Things might be tough, but having a creative pursuit is a practical way of negotiating living well (or at least, better) in chaotic and stressful times.