Thank you. Incredible synopsis of the situation

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There's so much good stuff in this post, I'm not sure where to start. So I think I'll start by saying a big 'Thank You'.

And pick upon just one theme: the role of creativity in post-traumatic growth (or trauma integration). In my experience the creative process (in arts & crafts, etc) by nature connects one via the solar plexus (gut instinct) to The-Source-Of-All-Life, with beautiful surprises as to what emerges whilst making a pot or weaving a scarf or painting a picture, etc.

And whilst in this process, there is no space for victim-hood mentality because the experience of 'magical synchronicities' also is very empowering and gifts deeper meaning as to why we are on this planet. Things might be tough, but having a creative pursuit is a practical way of negotiating living well (or at least, better) in chaotic and stressful times.

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I love that, thanks for sharing!

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Very hopeful; it has been a beautiful ride since 2020 especially. I’ve never felt more validated in my intuition, indeed, I have a little glimpse behind the curtain and I can see the matrix code. Now, if I could just dodge bullets, and meet a Canadian supermodel… lol. Thanks Meredith! You are a true light warrior 🦸‍♀️

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Meredith, what does one do if your spouse is clueless about all this, and even the slightest attempt to broach the subject is met with strong resistance.??

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I forgot to thank you for this incredible essay, so well-explained. I will read it again and again.

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I have a written draft waiting for approval from a person I interviewed on this topic last year. His wife was all-in on the COVID campaign and he saw through the lies. Both doctors. His story is the only one I’ve ever heard in all the years, even before 2020, of anyone who was successful in waking someone up to abuse. He took a very different approach than everyone else as well. An emotionally and spiritually mature approach. I can’t wait to share the post when he’s ready. It’s a great story and will help a lot of people. Stay tuned!

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Thank you, Meredith. I look forward to hearing his story. Just so you know,

I, too, was able to get my husband to listen to me regarding the lie of the

covid campaign, but this issue is of a spiritual nature which he wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. It would just be a bridge too far.

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Thats really awesome you were able to reach him on the Covid lies. Maybe there’s some transferable insights that you learned through the process that can be applied to the spiritual topic. I think you’ll love the insights from the interview which I hope to share soon.

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.. perspective & projection .. relation & self .. resonance & difference .. we are not what we sense .. we are the ones who are sensing ..

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I'm not into astrology and other new age stuff, but I see the solar plexus and other areas as parts of the body that hold onto "emotions". In mediation and in qi gong, I can feel those key areas have certain tensions that are sometimes linked to fears and other emotions.

Humanity has to relearn how to connect to the mammalian body and it's wisdom. This is how we can become immune to the double speak of the predator class and their sycophants !

They expected a lot more from COVID. A traumatized mass of emotional zombies that follow orders out of fear and confusion.


The transcript is below the video and explains how they expected society to continue.

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Fascinating how much is all converging at once: the Solar Maximum for Solar Cycle 25, which is off the charts in putting out solar energy; the geomagnetic pole shift (starting to slow down now but it has been very fast in recent years); and various planetary alignments coming up soon. For me personally, it's lately been difficult. I'm a poet and believe that poetry is a vital spiritual resource; I've been blessed with intense creativity these past few years. However, after nearly five years of working to be a light warrior with my words and help people learn critical thinking skills through my prose writing so they can see through the lies and manipulations, I feel exhausted. That has led to physical illness that has been persistent. Yet others say they feel energized right now. I'm hoping I pick up on that recharge soon....

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I was exhausted when I wasn’t aligned with my authenticity and that can quickly escalate to sickness. Maybe your body is trying to communicate something about getting in renewed alignment with your soul mission after the pivot in the recent years.

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True. But it could also be part of the ongoing biological warfare against us.

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Also very possible! Lately I’m discovering how much less of an impact that stuff has when we are empowered, in alignment and in our liberated creative expression. It gives a greater sense of imperviousness against physical, psychological and spiritual attack.

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You have been a shining light through the darkness of the Covid Plandemic so I thank you for that and your insights. I would however be careful about how far we take the psychosomatic argument. I'm getting this a lot from friends in the medical Freedom movement and it's really starting to annoy me. It too easily tips into blaming the patient: you must not be spiritually aligned, you're not facing up to some trauma, etc. Yet my creativity as a writer has never been higher, I've disavowed beliefs I formerly held as new evidence came to light, and I've been diligent about using my skills for the benefit of others. Not sure what else I can do except renounce worldly life and join a monastery.

While the psychosomatic cause may be true in some cases, it's an idea that is easily abused. Sometimes one is simply just physically ill, and as Professor Francis Boyle explains, we know there's a huge bioweapons establishment working on exploiting our biology for military purposes. We have to be careful that, as I explain in my latest Substack post, The Fallacy of Binary Thinking, we don't go from disbelieving the lies we were told about Covid to disbelieving in ALL forms of illness that have a biological basis. It's not either/or but both/and. I see this as a way of maintaining compassion for people.

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I agree that there is nuance and we shouldn’t be reckless. I also know how deeply connected everything is. For example fear suppresses the immune system. That’s well documented in the medical and scientific realm, and they used it against us in the COVID campaign with incessant fear bombardment. When we are in a fear state that also collapses the energy field, which is our subtle immune system / boundary and also very real. This is why I believe it’s important we empower ourselves with personal responsibility including in our state of consciousness. There’s a difference between blame and responsibility. The abusers of the world want us disempowered and in a low state of consciousness like fear, shame, despair etc so we are easy to overpower, abuse and control with physical, psychological and spiritual toxins.

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I so agree with you and have been feeling and experiencing this “exchange of light codes” with complete strangers. I have been calling them ‘Angel moments’…the synchronicity of two souls meeting and connecting, with the aid of their ‘angels’ who put us in each other’s path to share with one another, for a brief moment or an hour or so. And then travel on.

I’m older 72, so I have less years ahead of me than behind me. But I am seizing these moments, and sharing my wisdom and intuition with all fellow soul travelers that I encounter on my path.

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You are on fire and so inspiring. many of these things I have known/felt and you have shown the words. Thank you and wishing you and yours all the best for this New Year and Always.

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A wonderful and wise post, thank you, Meredith. Agree, agree agree!

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My kinda girl! Thanks for posting this. Gigi

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A deeply reassuring post. Thank you 🙏

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Jan 3
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Today new neighbors are moving in. The movers were unloading boxes from the truck and when I walked by. One was saying to the other “Thank you. I don’t know but I trust the process.” 😂

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