-2) Bible says sins carry down 7 generations. Our Cellular Memory stored this.
-3) Study the Old World, Tartaria, ancient technology, orphan trains, the 1800 & 1900 Worlds Fairs, the mud floods. We have a hidden & suppressed history. They did not build incredibly ornate Gothic Cathedrals using a horse and buggy with no electricity. The spires on top gathered energyv
from the ETHER (which the removed from the Periodic Table because they did not want is to know about Free Energy). There was a civilization before us, and resets before our time. A channel called My Lunch Break does a fantastic job going into this hidden & occulted history.
-4) Do your own research to find The Truth of us. "They have rewritten history to reflect the narrative they want to instill into.our minds.
-5) The C*A created the "Tell-A-Vision", it tells you a vision they want you to get into your mind. You watch "Programs" which programs/influence your mind. You choose the "Channeling" which sends the "programming" into your mind.
-6) ENTERTAINMENT. What is the meaning? Ready??...
- The etymology of the word entertainment is instructive:
- Enter, from the Latin means “inside.”
- Tain is “to grasp, to hold, to possess, occupy or control.”
- Inherited from Old Catalan ment, from Latin mentem (“mind”), from Proto-Indo-European *méntis (“thought”).
THIS will help, also: Knowledge, and Understanding The Why & How. When you realize WHAT happened & WHY the Trauma Memory infused into the cells in the first place, it provides IMPORTANT CONTEXT and helps us find ANSWERS, SOLUTIONS, & ultimately FREEDOM! This allows us to completely work through to the other side. Otherwise we will continually have unsettled feelings, a sense of always being uncomfortable, feelin incomplete and never knowing why.. And that is because you are pulling at the weed, but never digging the ROOT OUT, so the weed will return. When you get to the Root & acquire that Understanding, it empowers you to Identify, Overcome & Release it. This is FREEDOM.
WONDERFUL! It's so good to see you rise and rise, Meredith. I spotted this same dynamic 20 years ago when working on Planet Fashion - and i have watched it rise and rise - and the micro-macro, When my own blood family in the last few years came to resemble EXACTLY the Biden Crime Family - I was hunted like an Animal and scapegoated by society - its been horrific plus i had cancer! And my kids were kidnapped. Its amazing how many so-called educated rich people are working this dehumanising sick trauma pattern.
Great article and conversation between you and Jared. You are so right about it being a pandemic of the disconnected! I related to your phone upset so much and feel that it is just rude to have those filthy things on the table when you have real human beings to talk with. My fave is when they say they are listening to you while they text someone else! My phone is getting old and I am going to switch to a flip phone without data when it bites the dust. I told my 40 year old son that I was going to do this and you would have thought I was losing a body part! The addiction and fear is astounding and he is from the generation that didn't have a phone as children. I was also happy that Jared brought a male perspective on some of the topics and that was interesting too. Lastly, the tie in of psychological abuse also being societal was brilliant. This is how I felt when it all began and absolutely thought I was crazy. Listening to the news for only a few minutes felt like non-stop gas lighting for me. I think the past childhood traumas actually helped those of us who had already done some of the inner work and I look at this as a blessing. It is empowering to understand the truth of the world and the triggers give me an opportunity to do the inner work. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Big hug to you! Vivian xox
(from a Gabor Mate interview)....."all the Jewish babies were crying". He went on to draw "deep connections" of how those babies could intuit the pain of their mothers. I'd read all his books, I thought he was a genius...then the bubble burst. How could a vaunted medical authority working with street addicts for all those years, and knowing so much about attachment, failed to learn from Alice Miller? As a Jew, was he even conscious of the generational effects of circumcision? Perhaps even a brilliant intellect like his was no match for that forgotten childhood pain (abandonment?) inflicted when he did not yet have words to contain such trauma.
loved your article, and had not 'met' the word 'fawn' before, and think it's a brilliantly descriptive term - I've been doing it the whole damn time! And now for a change....
"As above, so below" reminds me of the concept of self-similarity:
Wikipedia: "In mathematics, a self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself (i.e., the whole has the same shape as one or more of the parts). Many objects in the real world, such as coastlines, are statistically self-similar: parts of them show the same statistical properties at many scales.[2] Self-similarity is a typical property of fractals."
I am discovering the liturgical power found in experience. Sacralizing experience by finding a liturgical expression of the experience is the Divine Connection.
I've often spontaneously thought "I'm doing this not just for myself (healing trauma) but for my 'ancestors' as well (especially in respect to my parents & grand-parents and two world wars). Now from this article I have confirmation it's a valid notion and activity. It makes all the pain, despair and hard-inner-work more meaningful. Thank you.
I agree with everything you share, I was just surprised that you used the word schizophrenia to refer to the state of non-ego. In my country at least it has negative connotations, such as that it is the worst of mental illnesses and that it is for life because it has no cure according to psychiatry, simply chronic medication (this not only kills the ego but the person in life).
Entheogens or sacred medicine produce a state of non-ego that any psychiatrist will call schizophrenia, the physical state of an orgasm (the little death as the French say) is also that state of fusion with everything, many artists or nature lovers are able to merge with their art or with nature momentarily forgetting about themselves. Religious believers who pray, have contact or talk to God would also be labeled as schizophrenic if religion were not something well regarded.
A newborn baby has not yet formed an ego and I don't know if animals could fit into that "non-ego"
Also a person in the process of recovery who tries to leave behind their "old" personality, their old self or ego, must also go through a moment of non-ego that is scary because it feels like losing their sanity, close to madness, but if you go through that a new self is born (which has just gone through its own personal/spiritual hero's journey)
I understand that you mean that we cannot live in a currently hostile 3d world from a 5d non-ego vision, without denying the existence of either, the only thing that shocked me was the use of that word, for me the DSM is similar to the manipulation of the covid narrative. But maybe it's that I really am schizophrenic and I'm just on the defensive.
In reality, words define things, like the state of non-ego, but at least for me it has many more negative connotations associated with it.
ooh this is fascinating 'Sluggish Schizophrenia' Ive been astonished by folks - i found something called 'Willful-misunderstanding' ie grown adults deliberately on purpose NOT hearing your legit words/request. But its terrifying how these folk are morphing into violent zombies. Id like to know more on your idea here - but no question a toxic society is weaponising anything and everything!
Ok, I realize that it is my wound, a couple of years ago I asked for help from a "professional" for narcissistic abuse (Iñaki Piñuel) because I had just gotten out of an abusive psycho-emotional relationship, which for me, that violation of the soul, of identity, also leaves you in a state of no ego. I also told him about my past traumatic experiences with mental health "professionals" and in the first appointment I had with him he diagnosed me with schizophrenia and psychosis (when I went to him precisely because I assumed that he as an expert in narcissistic abuse was not going to blame me by labeling me as sick, but would see the context of that state of no ego after the abuse, without blaming me or judging me for it).
Also during Covid, due to the fear of the lack of physical contact, I joined a Biodanza group, which I left years later (going through a kind of withdrawal syndrome that I still deal with) because I felt that it was a kind of cult, based on the spiritual abuse that you describe in your essay.
In this place it was also said that Biodanza did not work well with schizophrenics, so in my case, since I was the only one who was able to get out of it, to let it go, they left me with the doubt that maybe it did not work with me because I am schizophrenic.
I am very empathetic and codependent and I am aware of my tendency to dilute my ego with other people (I was raised by a narcissistic mother who did nothing but project her personality on me without leaving room for me to generate my own) but I can also dilute my ego with art and nature, perhaps if I had a pet I would not dilute myself with toxic people because I have a secure anchor or attachment to an animal that is faithful or at least reciprocal to the care I provide.
Getting me into the narrative of psychiatry and its DSM to define in a degrading way the facts I describe here, seems toxic and abusive to me, more than healing options, they condemn me to a lifelong illness, that is rejected, frowned upon and stigmatized by society, for which the only solution is overmedication, confinement or the "compassion" of the same society that will treat you as a victim or as a child with some type of mental retardation.
I believe that consciousness is also a state of non-ego, since it is capable of observing the ego and separating and individualizing itself.
I could’ve done a better job explaining the difference between transpersonal states in which we experience a temporary dissolution of the ego and remember we are connected with everything else vs. the spiritual abuse that takes place in communities that want people to sacrifice their ego / individuality for the group so they don’t believe they have the right to have boundaries here in this world or know what is self and what is someone else especially when they’re being abused. Also yes it’s true that there’s a great loss of self after abuse, leaving the survivor feeling empty and unsure who they really are because they’ve been conditioned to give up their true self in order to maintain peace in the abusive relationship.
Sorry for using your comment board for my personal catharsis, I feel quite depersonalized at the moment and associating my state/process with the word schizophrenia made me connect with my wound and how other people or groups have used it to harm or repress me in the past. In your text that word only occupied a small space and I focused all my attention on that.
This article succinctly presents the premise explored several years ago in Dr. Gabor Maté's seminal book: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture. Survival strategies adopted during vulnerable, traumatic childhoods are indeed maladapted for a fully functional adulthood.
There's an interesting video I found the other day that went into what they planned to happen with COVID. They hoped that it would break us down into obedient lost slaves....
So helpful meredith. I was triggered yesterday by the complete outward expression of any understanding that little boys and men are victims of physical violence. Men are just expected to harden up and get on with it. At primary school pick up I mentioned to a few mums while we were talking health stuff for kids that infant genital mutilation without painkillers in the form of circumcision must leave psychological scars. They laughed at me and i became upset. Triggered. But reading this i realised that lack empathy in this way means simply they are too identified with being vulnerable that its hard to see it in a man. Its tricky.
1) It's called Epigentic Cellular Memory.
-2) Bible says sins carry down 7 generations. Our Cellular Memory stored this.
-3) Study the Old World, Tartaria, ancient technology, orphan trains, the 1800 & 1900 Worlds Fairs, the mud floods. We have a hidden & suppressed history. They did not build incredibly ornate Gothic Cathedrals using a horse and buggy with no electricity. The spires on top gathered energyv
from the ETHER (which the removed from the Periodic Table because they did not want is to know about Free Energy). There was a civilization before us, and resets before our time. A channel called My Lunch Break does a fantastic job going into this hidden & occulted history.
-4) Do your own research to find The Truth of us. "They have rewritten history to reflect the narrative they want to instill into.our minds.
-5) The C*A created the "Tell-A-Vision", it tells you a vision they want you to get into your mind. You watch "Programs" which programs/influence your mind. You choose the "Channeling" which sends the "programming" into your mind.
-6) ENTERTAINMENT. What is the meaning? Ready??...
- The etymology of the word entertainment is instructive:
- Enter, from the Latin means “inside.”
- Tain is “to grasp, to hold, to possess, occupy or control.”
- Inherited from Old Catalan ment, from Latin mentem (“mind”), from Proto-Indo-European *méntis (“thought”).
THIS will help, also: Knowledge, and Understanding The Why & How. When you realize WHAT happened & WHY the Trauma Memory infused into the cells in the first place, it provides IMPORTANT CONTEXT and helps us find ANSWERS, SOLUTIONS, & ultimately FREEDOM! This allows us to completely work through to the other side. Otherwise we will continually have unsettled feelings, a sense of always being uncomfortable, feelin incomplete and never knowing why.. And that is because you are pulling at the weed, but never digging the ROOT OUT, so the weed will return. When you get to the Root & acquire that Understanding, it empowers you to Identify, Overcome & Release it. This is FREEDOM.
WONDERFUL! It's so good to see you rise and rise, Meredith. I spotted this same dynamic 20 years ago when working on Planet Fashion - and i have watched it rise and rise - and the micro-macro, When my own blood family in the last few years came to resemble EXACTLY the Biden Crime Family - I was hunted like an Animal and scapegoated by society - its been horrific plus i had cancer! And my kids were kidnapped. Its amazing how many so-called educated rich people are working this dehumanising sick trauma pattern.
Great article and conversation between you and Jared. You are so right about it being a pandemic of the disconnected! I related to your phone upset so much and feel that it is just rude to have those filthy things on the table when you have real human beings to talk with. My fave is when they say they are listening to you while they text someone else! My phone is getting old and I am going to switch to a flip phone without data when it bites the dust. I told my 40 year old son that I was going to do this and you would have thought I was losing a body part! The addiction and fear is astounding and he is from the generation that didn't have a phone as children. I was also happy that Jared brought a male perspective on some of the topics and that was interesting too. Lastly, the tie in of psychological abuse also being societal was brilliant. This is how I felt when it all began and absolutely thought I was crazy. Listening to the news for only a few minutes felt like non-stop gas lighting for me. I think the past childhood traumas actually helped those of us who had already done some of the inner work and I look at this as a blessing. It is empowering to understand the truth of the world and the triggers give me an opportunity to do the inner work. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Big hug to you! Vivian xox
(from a Gabor Mate interview)....."all the Jewish babies were crying". He went on to draw "deep connections" of how those babies could intuit the pain of their mothers. I'd read all his books, I thought he was a genius...then the bubble burst. How could a vaunted medical authority working with street addicts for all those years, and knowing so much about attachment, failed to learn from Alice Miller? As a Jew, was he even conscious of the generational effects of circumcision? Perhaps even a brilliant intellect like his was no match for that forgotten childhood pain (abandonment?) inflicted when he did not yet have words to contain such trauma.
I have since thrown out my Gabor Mate books.
loved your article, and had not 'met' the word 'fawn' before, and think it's a brilliantly descriptive term - I've been doing it the whole damn time! And now for a change....
"As above, so below" reminds me of the concept of self-similarity:
Wikipedia: "In mathematics, a self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself (i.e., the whole has the same shape as one or more of the parts). Many objects in the real world, such as coastlines, are statistically self-similar: parts of them show the same statistical properties at many scales.[2] Self-similarity is a typical property of fractals."
I am discovering the liturgical power found in experience. Sacralizing experience by finding a liturgical expression of the experience is the Divine Connection.
I've often spontaneously thought "I'm doing this not just for myself (healing trauma) but for my 'ancestors' as well (especially in respect to my parents & grand-parents and two world wars). Now from this article I have confirmation it's a valid notion and activity. It makes all the pain, despair and hard-inner-work more meaningful. Thank you.
I agree with everything you share, I was just surprised that you used the word schizophrenia to refer to the state of non-ego. In my country at least it has negative connotations, such as that it is the worst of mental illnesses and that it is for life because it has no cure according to psychiatry, simply chronic medication (this not only kills the ego but the person in life).
Entheogens or sacred medicine produce a state of non-ego that any psychiatrist will call schizophrenia, the physical state of an orgasm (the little death as the French say) is also that state of fusion with everything, many artists or nature lovers are able to merge with their art or with nature momentarily forgetting about themselves. Religious believers who pray, have contact or talk to God would also be labeled as schizophrenic if religion were not something well regarded.
A newborn baby has not yet formed an ego and I don't know if animals could fit into that "non-ego"
Also a person in the process of recovery who tries to leave behind their "old" personality, their old self or ego, must also go through a moment of non-ego that is scary because it feels like losing their sanity, close to madness, but if you go through that a new self is born (which has just gone through its own personal/spiritual hero's journey)
I understand that you mean that we cannot live in a currently hostile 3d world from a 5d non-ego vision, without denying the existence of either, the only thing that shocked me was the use of that word, for me the DSM is similar to the manipulation of the covid narrative. But maybe it's that I really am schizophrenic and I'm just on the defensive.
In reality, words define things, like the state of non-ego, but at least for me it has many more negative connotations associated with it.
Look into the weaponization of Sluggish Schizophrenia. Something else that narcs used to gaslight their victims.
ooh this is fascinating 'Sluggish Schizophrenia' Ive been astonished by folks - i found something called 'Willful-misunderstanding' ie grown adults deliberately on purpose NOT hearing your legit words/request. But its terrifying how these folk are morphing into violent zombies. Id like to know more on your idea here - but no question a toxic society is weaponising anything and everything!
Ok, I realize that it is my wound, a couple of years ago I asked for help from a "professional" for narcissistic abuse (Iñaki Piñuel) because I had just gotten out of an abusive psycho-emotional relationship, which for me, that violation of the soul, of identity, also leaves you in a state of no ego. I also told him about my past traumatic experiences with mental health "professionals" and in the first appointment I had with him he diagnosed me with schizophrenia and psychosis (when I went to him precisely because I assumed that he as an expert in narcissistic abuse was not going to blame me by labeling me as sick, but would see the context of that state of no ego after the abuse, without blaming me or judging me for it).
Also during Covid, due to the fear of the lack of physical contact, I joined a Biodanza group, which I left years later (going through a kind of withdrawal syndrome that I still deal with) because I felt that it was a kind of cult, based on the spiritual abuse that you describe in your essay.
In this place it was also said that Biodanza did not work well with schizophrenics, so in my case, since I was the only one who was able to get out of it, to let it go, they left me with the doubt that maybe it did not work with me because I am schizophrenic.
I am very empathetic and codependent and I am aware of my tendency to dilute my ego with other people (I was raised by a narcissistic mother who did nothing but project her personality on me without leaving room for me to generate my own) but I can also dilute my ego with art and nature, perhaps if I had a pet I would not dilute myself with toxic people because I have a secure anchor or attachment to an animal that is faithful or at least reciprocal to the care I provide.
Getting me into the narrative of psychiatry and its DSM to define in a degrading way the facts I describe here, seems toxic and abusive to me, more than healing options, they condemn me to a lifelong illness, that is rejected, frowned upon and stigmatized by society, for which the only solution is overmedication, confinement or the "compassion" of the same society that will treat you as a victim or as a child with some type of mental retardation.
I believe that consciousness is also a state of non-ego, since it is capable of observing the ego and separating and individualizing itself.
I could’ve done a better job explaining the difference between transpersonal states in which we experience a temporary dissolution of the ego and remember we are connected with everything else vs. the spiritual abuse that takes place in communities that want people to sacrifice their ego / individuality for the group so they don’t believe they have the right to have boundaries here in this world or know what is self and what is someone else especially when they’re being abused. Also yes it’s true that there’s a great loss of self after abuse, leaving the survivor feeling empty and unsure who they really are because they’ve been conditioned to give up their true self in order to maintain peace in the abusive relationship.
Sorry for using your comment board for my personal catharsis, I feel quite depersonalized at the moment and associating my state/process with the word schizophrenia made me connect with my wound and how other people or groups have used it to harm or repress me in the past. In your text that word only occupied a small space and I focused all my attention on that.
I send you a big hug
This article succinctly presents the premise explored several years ago in Dr. Gabor Maté's seminal book: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture. Survival strategies adopted during vulnerable, traumatic childhoods are indeed maladapted for a fully functional adulthood.
... nothing is in our mind .. that is not first in our perception .. Thomas Aquinas .. 1225 - 1274 ..
There's an interesting video I found the other day that went into what they planned to happen with COVID. They hoped that it would break us down into obedient lost slaves....
So helpful meredith. I was triggered yesterday by the complete outward expression of any understanding that little boys and men are victims of physical violence. Men are just expected to harden up and get on with it. At primary school pick up I mentioned to a few mums while we were talking health stuff for kids that infant genital mutilation without painkillers in the form of circumcision must leave psychological scars. They laughed at me and i became upset. Triggered. But reading this i realised that lack empathy in this way means simply they are too identified with being vulnerable that its hard to see it in a man. Its tricky.
To rock around
Thats right on time
Its tricky