Just read this amazing piece again and got to discover so many new ideas that help explain the fix I, and so much of humanity got ourselves in that's making us miserable. The moral of the story for me is to not be mortally afraid of struggle (or watching someone I love struggle), because for the sake of discomfort, I can learn something that will empower, and set me free.

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Wow, Meredith! Thank you for the great article and the amazing ressources you offer. On The Century of Self: I was blown away by this documentary about the manufacturing of consent, and the manufacturing of the narcissism epidemic, the narcissism pandemic and the current endemic state of narcissism in humanity in its death throes. It was humbling to realize the part of the propaganda I fell for thru my life, mainly thru consumerism. It feels like you've been writing Part V all along.

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Netflix still trying to come up with excuses for massive increases in heart attacks.....


"It is a very scary situation when you have a perfectly healthy 17 year old female, and 48 hours later, she's dying...."

The clot shot has magically NOTHING to do with it... with any of them now... god talk about being conditioned for the next scam....

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This was such a detailed explanation of victim consciousness and resulting rescue fantasies I see in people in the chronic illness space as well as the medical trauma that accompanies it. Relying outside oneself to be healed or rescued? it never works like that. Looking back, a progression to a chronic illness is usually rooted in relational trauma, and then some sort of trigger. Also, the tendency for people to identify with a diagnosis that the abusive medical system encourages is so self-serving. I believe now that the diagnosis/label assigned (fill in the blank), is just as damaging as the actual condition, if not more so. I know it was for me. During my own awakening I had to learn to be courageous and I’ll tell you it was incredibly freeing. It was hard at first but the process grew my self-trust, intuition enough that when Covid hit and the vax was pushed, it was like.. ‘I know exactly what this is’ and it filled me with rage and refusal to participate. I’m grateful for that experience because it woke me up to be able to evaluate the covid era with fresh perspective. I’m also thankful to be able to help others through their own completely unique health journeys now. Thank you for incredible insight on these issues; I thoroughly appreciate your perspective.

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100% That's the gimmick, the crisis/problem/solution loop from hell, that Meredith so often talks about, where the individual relinquishes control over their own life to a third party. The diagnostic is the monkey business, and the rest follows, as proven by Reiner Fuellmich.

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So true! I had a similar experience 23 years ago and never went back to the medical system. I knew it would be the death of me. So I took control of the reins of my health and that was the start of my holistic health journey. I’m glad to hear you’re helping people through their health journeys now!

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Very good Mere! Very good!

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Oh look, more Weimarica


NBC News tweeted:

The "coming for your children" chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it's one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people.

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One of your best, the shill cbc media corporation has used Expertology tactics of "experts say" to push their submersible narrative of anyone who disagrees with them as angry mean spirited schadenfreude as to "Here's why people are being so mean about the Titan going down"

The url is very telling


Like you wrote, the rescue fantasy is a must by Covert Aggressors, like the Hegelian Dialectic of abusers taking turns to oust the villain and be your hero, only to be the villain and ousted by yet another pretender...left wing ... right wing ... same devil.

And yes, it is very possible specific people were psychologically targeted into boarding the deathtrap, eliminating those who would stand in the way of "progress" towards Globalist Weimarica with social credit systems to kill all dissenters. Someone who is fine with killing all dissenters then is also fine with doing it now.

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In case anyone needs it spelt out for them, the "rescuer" needs be seen as rescuing someone worth rescuing, otherwise there's no social status in it for them. In fact they might be seen as a bad guy, their rescuer reputation is tied to who they're "rescuing".

So when you challenge the narrative, they understand they're losing social status. It's not empathy, it's just more sociopathy of exploiting and using others to power up their reputation.

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This is so brilliant on so many levels!

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Just read through for the second time, this article has so much meat for me to digest. I am a Rescuer Extraordinaire--never want anyone I love and care about to suffer. And so I put on my Little Red Hen apron, and dive in fixing. Big mistake. I rescued my adult daughter, letting her live with me rent free for 7 years. She took more and more liberties, such that I felt like a prisoner in my own house. Told her to move out, and she's not spoken to me again. I don't even know where she lives. I'm signed up for the Trauma Triangle course--and looking forward to learning lots about new ways to do things.

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That’s great you’re taking Tiffany’s course! You’ll see me talking with her in the bonus interview.

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I learned a lot and thank you. I also found that you repeated yourself many times in an effort to get your valid points across.

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I think it was Zig Ziglar who said “repetition is the mother of learning and the father of action.” 😉

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Literally the plot of the movie Gaslight

"They only wanted to see the fantasy that the abuser was selling, so they ended up subscribing to the narrative that the abuser created and eventually one day the abuser was able to get the court to grant them agency over the victim, looking like a savior in the process."

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I can always count on you, Meredith, to be fiercely honest, wise, and pragmatic.

Thank you for expressing these vital truths in such an accessible and clear manner.

As you were describing UBI, I thought of Pleasure Island, where Pinocchio and his companions are lured into a hedonistic dream where all their fantasies are fulfilled, only to discover they have been turned into donkey slaves.

P.S. Extra gratitude for continuing to use “philanthropath”!

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Philanthropath is a definitely word that must be integrated into the collective consciousness if society is ever to understand what happened and prevent it from happening again.

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Thank you, this is an incredibly important piece of writing. As someone who has been down on the floor and had to struggle to get up, more than once, this resonates deeply. My spiritual journey has been very healing and had helped me take my power back, although it is a difficult pattern to break. Awareness is key, I appreciate the pointers. I have watched the documentary “Century of the Self” in the past, I think I’ll rewatch it. It’s incredibly eye opening and scary. Thank you 🙏

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So on point at this moment in my life. While I am retired I work at a yarn store for fun and money. The owner had the chance of a lifetime to sail around the world. We got a new hire, and the two of us already hired figured we could do fine. It is now the end of June. One of the workers found out she hates working a certain day and every time I saw her she would complain about it. In addition she had trips she was going on, a couple of her grandkids are special needs and her children depend on her. Trying to be helpful I took over her day of hate since February. We talked about it, and I thought I can do this. Which I can, but we are going (as a country through) a trying time. Her complaining grated on my nerves. She has a very light schedule, and I have taken on the brunt of keeping the store open. PEOPLE in my attempt to help someone I screwed myself. I am exhausted. No one comes into the shop because of the economy and the time of the year. It would be better off financially if we were closed 3-4 days a week. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen. I am counting down the number of days I have left. And then I am taking mental health time off. I have always dismissed my needs for others. This isn’t their problem but mine. In a couple of weeks I will return to to my old home town. Really don’t want to go, but I love my brother and sisters,I want to thank them and see some family members for the last time.I am learning that I can’t save everyone, hell is paved with my good intentions. I’ve have got to learn that I have needs too, that helping everyone leads to one tired, bitchy person, ME! I truly believe that I take on more so that others can be happy and content, and to hell with me. Nope that changes today. As always I love your stuff, it truly speaks to me.

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Love the rolly-polly story and analogy...!

Thank you for writing this - will be re-reading and sharing with others. :)

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I’m saving this for me.

Sending onto friends too.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. 💜🙏🏼

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