Writing this comment on 1st October 2024, Meredith's post from 10 months ago is still hyper-relevant. 'Covid' as collective trauma certainly makes sense. And the-working-through-it is hard, especially with family and (what were) close friends not having the capacity to talk about anything - it's all brushed under the carpet. Which adds to dealing with the general loss of trust of institutions; dark forces indeed are also hard at work.

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Meredith, As a writer I once studied the Betwixt and Between syndrome. Pls write about it, as it addreses the afflictions folks have cited here. It offers so much hope, for one CAN count on leaving the liminal between space.

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I did a quick search on these terms and bookmarked some results to go back later for more research, thank you! In my full presentation you’ll also get to hear some tips for navigating the liminal spaces.

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Do I feel dead inside? Not really. But sometimes I feel that many would prefer if I was dead to ease their own feelings of inadequacy or discomfort. I also resonant strongly with the learned helplessness response: it seems that most things I have tried to do for the past four years have been denied, delayed, refused, ignored, set aside, mocked, and overwhelmingly not supported.

I sense that for many people this liminal space does come back to the 2020 closures. Most modern jobs in some way have become about being a replaceable cog in the construction of the Death Star. Our needs and desires as human beings desiring of love, connection and purpose are brutally ignored by those in power. There is a feeling that they could and will do it all again at any time. Bombs will continue dropping the wars are too profitable to ever end. You are just a replaceable economic unit or a drain on their financial ponzi scheme, at best suited for a job managing the other human detritis. Those things which drive purpose and connection are ignored. You can't support a family doing those things, after all.

Many people already see and know these things, but the implications of it are too great. It's time to throw the shackles of the leadership class...

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Beautifully expressed so many of my own thoughts and observations, thank you for that Meredith! It is really a transitional period, and as you wrote 'now it feels like we are on the threshold of something else'. May I ask you: what do you exactly mean by saying that? Do you mean that things have to get worse first before it can get any better or dou you mean the ascention that all the spiritual communities and ppl are talking about recently? I don't know, but sometimes I feel the ascention is also just a fairy tale that we want to hold on to as reality is too frustrating and draining espacially for us empaths..

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Being finally cured of my Complex-PTSD, let me tell you, these evil fuckers are truly evil. There is NO saving them, only yourself. Their morality is one of pure evil, where they decide who is good not by deed, but by "title" so to speak. You are awarded the "good" title so now anything you do is good. By the way they've awarded themselves such a title hence the: Always a Hero or Victim but Never the Villain. Once you realize they have an inferior morality, one that disregards facts and doesn't judge by actions or even intent.... you will no longer lack their perspective. You can finally rest easy knowing they hate you not because of you, but them. They hate you because THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM.

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Well said. Similar to Elon’s “there are people that pretend to do good, but do evil. F*ck them.”

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It's to the point that oftentimes I feel like there's nothing good to look forward to.....just more of the same trauma as this beast of an evil empire thrashes itself to death. But...I'm on a team of citizen scientists who twice monthly counts raptors in a state park. We were out this morning, watching those magnificent birds. There were the usual Red Tail Hawks, and two Harriers hunting. The bird of the day was an adult Bald Eagle perched by the reservoir, perhaps contemplating fish for breakfast. We're still waiting for the annual arrival of a Ferruginous Hawk, but it's possibly still hanging out north as the weather hasn't turned that cold yet. See? Instant contentment. Thank you for this wonderful article, Meredith. You always come along with terrific insights in how to handle the new abnormal.

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"Once I broke free from the constriction of the fear, my body and being expanded again into new possibility." As an author I've spoken with other authors who succumbed to the fear and a common complaint with them is that their creativity completely dried up. Like you, Meredith, I went through what Joseph Campbell would have called "a passage through the Underworld" in 2020-21, questioning whether I really wanted to live anymore in a world prepared to unleash such madness on its citizens. But I confronted that agony and came out the other side, just like Inanna or Persephone emerging from the Underworld, much stronger than ever. In contrast to the apathy and listlessness described here, I was able to write, edit and publish 4 books—my most productive period yet. I feel more alive than ever! This is the great test each of us must face, as Carl Jung made clear: Will we face down the Shadow and integrate it, not just the one "out there" but the one we each carry? Or will we shrink away into fear, addiction and Netflix bingeing? After all, it was the Shadow in each of us that was manipulated and exploited in lockdowns and illegal, coercive mandates. Many artists create out of a liminal space, sometimes the hours just going into or just coming out of sleep. So it can be a font of creativity! Always great to hear from you, Meredith.

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Thank you for this, beautifully expressed. I so relate. And I agree, we are close to another planned shock to the system. Also, aligned in trusting the Divine in how all this unfolds, including us.

Finding the opportunity in the chaos is no small thing. Great insights in this piece.

I hope you don't mind my linking an essay that dovetails, from a different perspective.


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fear is a reaction. courage is a choice. the former constricts/ compresses. the latter expands. courage is the best protection you can have.

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Amazing Meredith. Thank you.

Someone recently described what we were currently experiencing as not the Great Reset (their plan) but the Great Recoil - a 'ratcheting back' of the human pendulum creating extreme potential energy in the population of those not yet aware.

Imagine the following: governments all over the world come out and say 'the shots are maiming and killing a lot of people and even may be changing your DNA. The vaccinated may be sterile and perhaps new species of humans. Sorry about that.'

The energy of the pendulum goes from potential to kinetic and governments are toppled. Then we will really Build Back Better.

God Bless you in your work.

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Thank you Meredith for introducing us to this new word for me, liminal space. This is exactly where we are at, what we're living thru. I started dismantling my life in 2018 after I started listening to your work. I've embarked on this relentless pursuit of letting go of almost everything I had built thru the years. Right now I feel that we are standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. Civilization can all go to shred at any moment. We are in the eye of the storm. In this liminal space, I am experiencing the elation of a greater freedom I've ever had, but simultaneously sadness at the greatest evil I have ever witnessed. The difficulty for me is in planing anything medium or long term which is near impossible given the possibilities. At times, this thwarts my creativity, and therefore my enthusiasm. So, like yourself, I am substituting my will with the will of the Divine. Que sera sera. Be well.

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You put it well, Dan---the greatest evil we've ever witnessed. It's incomprehensible to normal human beings, and as Meredith said....we're all struggling through using behaviors that might not serve us as well as simply centering. I like what you said.

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A song written at the height of the lock down.

Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Listen to it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nevermore.

BONUS: Free PDF Download. Updated Alternative Covid-19 Narrative Handbook. A Collection of Useful Links. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/updated-alternative-covid-19-narrative

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Recently in my small circle of friends there has been a segmentation within the group. I thought these individuals would be friends for life. I thought that we could accept one another warts and all, that we had respect, care and love for one another. Part of the group split and to visit them is by invitation only, which is kind of heartbreaking.

The very small town I live in, is also breaking into two groups. Conservative and liberal with both sides being unpalatable. In another group I am in we talked about how we feel that we are staring down a freight train, things like unexpected deaths, a small group of people having brain tumors, and coughs and cold season hitting. People who would be with family this year are opting to just stay home with spouse, kids and be in pjs all day. We all murmured we understand and have the same things going on in our home.

My history is that childhood, family trauma has always left me unmoored because I did not follow their paths, but struck out for something different. I have never given myself enough if any credit lives, supporting myself, going to school, and dealing with issues and pursuing a nebulous dream that was getting out of poverty and doing something different. I learned cooking, finding sales, how to fill my oil container in my car and that there was a very capable woman walking with me and could handle a lot.

While I look back on those days with fondness, it was all so new to me and different. I still love to watch black and white movies, it looks so easy from where I am sitting. But, there were underlying social, political and yes family problems going on, it was not real life for the most part just an illusion.I know we can’t go back to pre-pandemic lives. We are all taking tentative steps forward and boy do so many of us have lots in common. We are starting a new pathway and yes it will be rough at times, but we are far more capable of handling whatever comes our way.

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I agree...if one is open to the idea that we have ‘what it takes’ to adapt and get through this. For me I find that having a strong ‘spiritual connection’ to a ‘higher power’ (however each of us sees or experiences that) provides that strength and inner ‘knowingness’ that no matter what...we will be OK.

OK in whatever form that takes in these ‘liminal times’. 💗🙏🏼

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Gracias Mera! Hacía tiempo que no sentía conectar con nadie y lo he hecho con tus palabras así como con los comentarios de todas las personas que compartiste. Se siente real para mi y lo que veo/siento en mi vida

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You might want to listen to this short interview Dr. Naomi Wolf had with Dr. Michael Nehls, author of the recently published “The Indoctrinated Brain” (Dr. Wolf wrote the forward to the book), about how the EUA mRNA ‘injections’ have affected the people who have taken them, in the part of the brain that stores autobiographical memory, and basically has “erased biographical memory”.

I know you don’t make any mention nor connection as to how these EUA mRNA injections, (that were rolled out in late 2020 - and all through 2021), have seriously affected people’s cognitive functions (in all ages who got them) as well as caused serious injuries and even death. This could be leading/and or contributing to people’s sense of this “lack of connection” they have now, and the state of “living in liminal space” you speak about. (I acknowledge that both the ‘vaccinated’ and ‘un-vaccinated’ are living in this “liminal space”.)


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I was thinking the same thing. Definite personality changes in the injected, and there is such a militant faction of those who are unwilling to release the fear and are still in emergency mode. Cult like.

But I also think there is a certain disconnection now because people realize the amount of control that has always been used against them, even before Covid. With Covid though, we now see how much we were willing to give up without much question or how obedient we were to their dictates. Our government does not exist to protect us, it’s just corruption, money and control.

For those of us that recognize that now, never again. That has to be the shift that we now think and do, rather than follow and obey. It won’t be an easy path to take, but we need to recognize that there are more of us, then there are of the globalist string pullers.

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I so agree. There are cousins of mine that got the vaxxes (in order to travel and because they are compliant liberals, NPR/PBS/Media consumers, big travelers, and users of the Medical System). We are all older now, in our 70’s. They just sent me a Christmas card ‘bragging’ that they made “4 International Trips” this past year. They are retired, are ‘financially comfortable’, live in NoCA and have absolutely no clue as to what we have been subjected to as well as lived through these past 4 years. I had re-ingnited our familial bond with them over the past 6 years, and really enjoyed visiting with them. Then the Scamdemic came along, and early on, considering my position and thinking, we no longer have a connection, except through Christmas cards! They live in their ‘finanicially cushy’ world, in a nice upper class neighborhood outside of Sacramento and have not a clue the shit that is now coming down all around them!

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Thanks I’ll check that out. I already pre-ordered his new book when one of my friends recommended it. It should be out soon in USA.

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Great explanation!

I too went through hell worrying about the future but then felt better in the last few months than I ever had. I wondered why? I think it's because once I learned why people do and say the crazy things they do and how we progressed, I started to feel safer around people.

I no longer felt like they would fall for the bullshit again.

When I was in my hell, I saw doom because I thought that people were naturally naive and the truth loses to the lies.

But now I'm seeing people differently, like they may not consciously get the truth of a matter yet, but they can now sense a bit of truth more than they used to.

The prey is becoming smarter than the predator.

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