Jan 6, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Reading this article is validating for me. I’m so glad the universe has brought me to this post.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Thank you for these articles and your email newsletter. I feel afraid and alone and have become very isolated.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Watch Meredith’s interview with Fuellmich, incredibly inspiring and hopeful! She saved my sanity in a way.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Thank you Meredith!

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Thank you for this.

I, too, am grateful to have found your work on Substack. I just shared your article "Induction by Confusion - the Sequel" with my peeps. Tremendous article! Thank you for helping us navigate this psychological war.

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This really ain't it. Of course there's contradictions because knowledge and understanding of covid has evolved as new data emerges, and of course there have been those in power capitalising off of it because those who are corrupt always will. I don't know anyone who would argue the pandemic has been well handled at all, but the idea of it being a mass conspiracy peddled by every single nation at each and every level of power is absurd. Life is nuanced, catastrophes can and do happen, and this is one of them. The pandemic is unfortunately real and, however it may have begun, there is a responsibility to take reasonable measures to protect one another.

Meredith's videos on narcissistic abuse have helped me immensely in the past, and I'm very grateful to her for these. I think there is an obvious tendency now to view things excessively through the lens of narcissistic abuse, which I see as dangerous as not everything fits so neatly within this paradigm. There may appear to be parallels, granted, but a similarity does not the same thing make.

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