Evil resides in the heart of man through selfishness and man is willing to serve and exalt himself. Every sin begins in a man's heart, and his character, way of speaking and acting reflect his heart. The man can only pretend to be different from his heart for a short time, as he quickly regains control and dictates his actions. People know the heart of man by his words, actions and choices.

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This is a wonderful piece Meredith, thank you for writing it. You have such great insight--it helps me make connections and see patterns. I love how you wove The Divine Comedy into the narrative. Telling thru story is especially powerful.

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Thank you Meredith, your 'Inner Integration' is a very meaningful piece to read today. Happy Easter and Blessings

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Thank you Meredith. In my family there is an abusive member. He abused his wife all her life but it was so covert that noone was able to see it. Then one day she committed suicide. I would have never known about narcissistic abuse If it did not happen. But after she was gone I became target of his abuse, it was horrendous. Noone believed me that I was abused. I went no contact/minimal contact and now he is abusing and attacking other members of the family and even neighbours - they are contacting me in disbelief "who is he", "he was not like that", "now I understand why you don't want any contact with him". Evil will expose itself fully one day

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That’s awful and your story also gives hope that eventually evil does fully reveal itself. Thanks for sharing that!

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Hi. How does one get out of the system. Have taken SANA etc, done inner work. How to unplug from system? Am studying at uni.. want to be independent. Thanks

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Hi Meredith,

The Lord brought you to my mind today, and so I went to your YouTube channel, which I hadn’t been to for a while, but I saw you haven’t posted in months (I had already seen the Power of Choice video). I went to see your YouTube “about” section to see if you were posting elsewhere and found the link to your substack. I’m not religious, but I do believe in God/Jesus (meaning Jesus is the only begotten son of God and therefore also God) and the Bible—this was the result of years of spiritual searching. Do you know the websites created4health.com and healthimpactnews.com? I think you might like a lot of their content. They are by a follower of Jesus (who also wouldn’t identify as religious). May God richly bless you!

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Thank you for this great article, a stark reminder that the battle is not over. For many of us, evil has already revealed itself. But for many, it's not enough yet.

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duckduckgo blocked it because YOU were using safe search.

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I haven’t consented to a “safe search” and this has never happened, before or after, even with all the other controversial topics I search for on DDG.

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Click-wrap, yeah, that's "consent" nowadays. It's probably a browser setting.

AND, these articles are amazing! Thank you.

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