Well written and well thought out. The problem is the terms we as decent human beings set are too lenient for predators. And if they aren't they call you difficult, a conspiracy nut, anti-social ... why? You're not giving them a chance ... sniff sniff sob sob... to prey upon you, how could you be so cruel to them, they only want to hurt and take from you!

It's really something, how the standards of human rights have been deliberately ignored and discarded away in such a silent death and now we get to wait for the next psy op attack on us.

I'm pretty pissed off about being coerced in the past, they knew I needed the job to take care of my family. But what's done is done, difference is, I'm also done with being their consenting victim. No sanction of the victim anymore for me. The “sanction of the victim” is the willingness of the good to suffer at the hands of the evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the “sin” of creating values.

"I saw that there comes a point, in the defeat of any man of virtue, when his own consent is needed for evil to win—and that no manner of injury done to him by others can succeed if he chooses to withhold his consent." -- Ayn Rand

They are playing with fire no matter how good they are at deceiving others. There comes a tipping point and I cannot see how in 5 years there won't be a violent revolt like already in other countries.

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Check this out! ABC’s ‘Checkmate Fact checker’ on the recent Pfizer statement in the European Parliament. The open gaslighting of all humanity continues unabated. Their plan now is basically to unapologetically lie right to our faces, whilst they get on with the job of dismantling all of civilisation.


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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

Why is nobody talking about the fact that Janine Small didn’t even say “transmission” in her answer. She said “immunisation”. Now perhaps it was a genuine mistake but she didn’t correct herself, the chair didn’t notice and neither did the original questioner Rob Roos. Does nobody actually listen to the words being said anymore?!

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You’re right! She said “stopping immunization” but it almost sounded like it started with “stopping human-ization”. I just now saw the clip with Spanish subtitles on Telegram and they avoided translating that word entirely. They used “lo sabíamos?” Meaning “did we know it?” https://t.me/elVortice/623

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The whole thing is very fishy. Also I was puzzled to see Cristian Terheș say in the next day press conference that he was “shocked” by this statement. Why would he be? This was no revelation. We’ve known this for a very long time.

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Oct 23, 2022·edited Oct 23, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

You’re 100% correct. She totally altered “the very meaning” of his original question by avoiding using the word ‘transmission’. It is an interesting question ‘how and why’ no one noticed this deliberate diversion by using/changing the word to ‘immunisation’. She essentially answered a question he DIDN’T ask. And no one noticed!

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Unreal! It's "not what it seems" mmhmm. Funny that's what cheaters and liars usually say when they get caught.

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Oh, they know full well they’re caught out. But they also know that the vast majority of people are tired… mentally exhausted and as a consequence have become totally apathetic. As of course, you know and have already pointed out in a variety of ways.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

El maltrato más sútil es el enmascarado de sobreprotección, de cara a "los medios" la buena intención de querer "cuidar y proteger" a la población tiene más valor que el cuidado y la protección real. Si te obligan a vacunarte por el bien y la protección de los demás (y de ti mismo) tienen la coartada perfecta para el mundo superficial de apariencias en el que vivimos , o al menos en el que viven los medios de comunicación que son como nuestros "narradores de realidad" oficiales.

Yo por eso de vez en cuando necesito venir aquí, a mi narradora de confianza a checkear qué es lo que yo puedo estar percibiendo y permitirme creer en ello, aunque esté alejado de lo que parezca poder estar percibiendo la mayoría.

Gracias de nuevo Mera!!

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Thank you Meredith for another great article and reminder. I often fall for that trap of explaining, justifying my decision. I see the open door it creates. In Quebec, Canada they have decided that consent is not necessary. Article 126 of the Quebec Public Health Act states:

“126. If a person fails to submit to a vaccination ordered under section 123, a judge of the Court of Québec or of the municipal courts of the cities of Montréal, Laval or Québec having jurisdiction in the locality where the person is to be found may order the person to submit to the vaccination.In addition, the judge may, if satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person will not submit to the vaccination and if of the opinion that the protection of public health warrants it, order that the person be taken to a specific place to be vaccinated.”

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"Of the OPINION that the protection of public health warrants it..." Unbelievable!

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Yes, I am especially concerned that the opinion would percolate from someone knowledgeable mostly about speeding tickets, in direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code. On Quebec license plates, their motto is spelled out in French only: "I Will Remember." But, they conveniently forgot all about the Nazis.

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They are preparing for next attack for sure. I can say where I work whole network/servers were hacked. It took months for this company to recover. I heard many other companies have been hacked just recently. I think it is possible this is a practice before next big thing - which could be cyber attack. They had tabletop exercise called cyber polygon in 2021. In country where I am from there are now very frequent energy outages - it is like they want to get people used to not having electricity. They are telling us what they going to do but real intention is always hidden. I would have more respect for them if they could actually come out and say 'we want to kill billions of people' rather than 'we want to save the world'. Thank you Meredith!

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That makes sense, there’s been a lot of cyber warfare going on and they already ran the drills. Soon they’ll say that people freezing in the winter is a necessary sacrifice for democracy. Dante was right, the souls in the pit of Inferno aren’t the overt types, but rather the covert ones… the frauds, traitors and deceivers. They are by far the worst because they pretend to be good.

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Thorough and thought-provoking as ever, Meredith. You might also enjoy the Off-Guardian piece on gaslighting the masses: https://off-guardian.org/2022/10/17/the-gaslighting-of-the-masses/

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Fantastic article, thanks for sharing it!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022Liked by Meredith Miller

"To do so, researchers compared original COVID, Omicron, and a version of the two combined: this is where the misinformation about a "new strain" developed. "

Oh. So we combined 2 previous strains of a virus to create a version of the 2 combined, but that doesn't mean we made a NEW strain. Of course, just because it could possibly kill 80% of humanity unlike either of the other versions doesn't mean it's a NEW strain, either.

You misinformation spreader, you.

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Make common sense cool again!

What you described about consent reminded me of every con game... They keep you hanging on for more.

Ugh, I hope humanity becomes smarter in the fight against psychopathy.

I love it when things happen around each other,...

Read this, an amazing appeal for consent as the main argument...


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Thanks for sharing that! Great to see they’re referring to language from the Nuremberg Code to define informed consent.

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Thank you for this Meredith, I really connect with everything you said and agree that we must build up our reserves to better deal with the next attack. Can you believe I am writing “attack”? We are being attacked by our own government in a supposed free country. INSANE. But when we know what we are up against it’s easier to make decisions, INFORMED decisions. Peace Sister 💕

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