The System of Compliance Wants YOU
Compliance has become inseparably woven into "the science" of newnormalism
The disordered moral code of compliance is not just a tool of abusers and tyrants. It’s also becoming part of the new world order brand of science. Compliance is popping up in articles and studies, specifically around the topic of “vaccine hesitancy”.
This should be concerning to all of us, whether we’ve taken the experimental injectables or not because there is a very clear direction this is headed, and it won’t just be limited to this pandemic.
People who have experienced the trauma of abuse usually relate to the topic of compliance because they were overtly forced or covertly coerced into doing things that weren’t okay for them, things that violated their physical, psychological or spiritual boundaries.
It’s shocking but not surprising to see the recent connections being drawn to purposely link trauma survivors with non-compliance regarding the dangerous experimental drugs and other harmful so-called public “health” measures.
Trauma happens when an overwhelmingly stressful situation takes place, usually involving a perceived life threat to oneself or someone else in proximity. A person’s life could be actually threatened or the person’s nervous system could sense a life threat. Either way, this terror can become frozen in the trauma survivor’s nervous system.
The post-trauma effect involves feeling unsafe.
This sense of being unsafe is often not part of the person’s conscious awareness. But it’s felt deep in the subconscious, kinda like how you might barely notice the sound of the refrigerator until it shuts off because your conscious mind had been blocking it out.
Feeling unsafe becomes a constant in the background of a trauma survivor’s life, which leads to other secondary effects of the trauma like anxiety, panic, depression, substance abuse, dysautonomia etc.
It’s shocking that the Wiki page for dysautonomia doesn’t include trauma or PTSD as one of the main causes of this condition in the Autonomic Nervous System. I’m not a doctor but I would bet that unresolved trauma is the #1 cause of dysautonomia because most people have unresolved trauma and the nervous system is where the trauma is frozen, which then causes chronic health problems over time. It’s also shocking that most doctors are not trained to investigate if trauma is a possible cause of a patient’s symptoms.
At the physiological level, the feeling of being unsafe is coming from the nervous system.
The nervous system reads electromagetic energy in the surrounding environment. It could be sensing what is actually happening in the environment in real time or the perception of the individual of their environment.
Perception is everything and the subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what is actually happening, what we are remembering vividly, or what we are imagining. The body, including the nervous system, will have the same response to these stimuli, whether real or imagined.
One way that post-trauma can be avoided is if the trauma survivor happens to be comforted, in the moment, by the loving, compassionate presence of another person who acknowledges the terrifying experience and provides a sense of safe social connection. The survivor’s nervous system will experience this connection as a sense of safety. In this case, the fear is less likely to get frozen in the survivor’s nervous system, and instead be released.
The experience of co-regulation between people’s nervous systems can be balancing and healing.
That’s why social rejection or forced isolation can feel like death to the nervous system. We are mammals. We need social connection for survival and homeostasis. We don’t feel safe when we feel disconnected and we are traumatized when the disconnection isn’t by choice. This is often not part of our conscious awareness, but very real and present in the background.
So how can people feel safe and avoid the post-trauma if the current, ongoing trauma is still being denied?
What if people don’t have others they can connect with, who acknowledge that they see it too and it’s scary what’s happening?
We are being told not to touch or even be in close proximity with others. When the face masks came in, eye contact went out, so if we want to experience the sense of safety created through social connection and co-regulation, we have to actively seek out the people on the same page, with whom we can share eye contact, physical proximity and in some cases physical touch.
Many people, including many trauma and abuse experts, still don’t recognize the collective and individual traumas that are taking place. This is shocking but not surprising, given the covert nature of most of the abuse that’s happening around the world.
There’s a difference between a one-off trauma event like a bomb exploding vs. the ongoing global events taking place during the last two plus years with no real end in sight.
The effects created by each of these scenarios is the difference between a traumatic event that can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) vs. the ongoing, constant, day in and day out kinds of trauma that can cause complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD).
In my coaching work helping people self-heal after toxic and abusive relationships, whether with an intimate partner, friend, family or work relationship, what I see is the complex form of post-trauma.
A relationship is an ongoing, constant dynamic that a person lives through for weeks, months or years. The war is never-ending, the battleground is home, work, or anywhere a person can be reached via technological devices. In these situations, a person who is being abused never knows when or from where the next attack is coming, but what is certain is that it is both expected and inevitable.
The more covert the abuse is, the more invisible it is both to the target of the abuse and any onlookers, loved ones or witnesses. This makes it very difficult for the survivor (and even some mental health professionals) to acknowledge the reality of the trauma. Until we have awareness of the problem as well as the ability to understand and articulate it, we can’t heal it or move forward.
Time continues to pass, but instead of creating the future, the unresolved nature of the trauma will cause a repetition of the past.
Clients often tell me that at some point they went to a therapist or counselor to talk about their abusive relationship, but instead of recognizing the covert abuse, the mental health professional told the client that the issue in the relationship was communication.
While it may be true in many relationships, that communication is the main issue to work on, there is, however, no way to fix the communication in an abusive relationship. The abuser is intent upon misinterpreting, twisting around and gaslighting the target, and in the most covert cases, it’s done under the disguise of the perfect partner who just wants to love and help their ungrateful or unstable partner. Abuse is a disqualifying condition for things to be worked out by talking about the issues.
The problem in most of those situations was that the therapist or counselor was not trained or experienced in the covert forms of psychological abuse. This is because it’s not part of the training curriculum. The covert form of narcissism and psychopathy aren’t even in the psychiatry book of diagnoses, the DSM. How could they identify something that they’re not even aware exists?
We are seeing a very similar trend in the world now where trauma experts are unable to recognize the covert abuse traumas taking place.
One of the main trailblazers and leaders in the field of trauma recovery for decades was recently featured in an NPR article, People are developing trauma-like symptoms as the pandemic wears on.
It is "painful" and it is an "ongoing stress," but he hesitates to call this pandemic a collective trauma.
"We need to be very precise," he said. "Because if we don't know what we are treating, we may give the wrong treatment."
Instead, he said this moment demanded a new term, a new language to fully encompass the scope of these circumstances.
"That's really what I'm encouraging us to do — to really identify what is making us all feel like we're barely hanging on," he said.
What is making us feel like we’re barely hanging on… this is something many of my clients could relate to before they figured out they were in a long-term relationship of covert psychological abuse. By the time people usually figure out what’s happening and seek help, they are barely holding it together. They’re often on the brink of collapse and despair. For so long they didn’t even know why they were so destroyed, until one day they stumbled upon a keyword like covert narcissism or covert psychopathy, and it all started making sense.
I don’t think we need a new term or new language, it already exists. At the individual or interpersonal level, it’s called covert abuse and the main tool being used is gaslighting. These aren’t scientific terms. They’re laymen’s terms and they’re spot on. At the collective level, the covert abuse is being normalized and erased through the mass formation, as Dr. Mattias Desmet calls it, or the mass delusional psychosis as Dr. Mark McDonald refers to it.
It is trauma, both individual and collective. To deny this is to deny reality.
We have to be willing to face really if we want things to get better.
The traumas taking place aren’t just related to the pandemic. At a broader level, whether we are talking about the fear propaganda of a virus or a war, the coercion to participate in a medical experiment, the exclusion of people from public institutions, work, school or visiting loved ones due to not taking experimental drugs or being unwilling to have a stick shoved up against the very vulnerable nerve bundle next to the brain in order to get tested for an alleged virus that is so contagious people need to be six feet apart, the silencing of voices for speaking the truth or questioning the narrative, the intentional collapse of the food and supply chain, the skyrocketing inflation putting increasing pressure on people’s ability to provide for their family’s basic needs… what we are seeing across the board is escalating covert violence that becomes more overt over time along with the disordered moral code of compliance.
Compliance is not part of science. However, I’ve seen some alarming “scientific” studies done in the recent years, in which the goal was compliance. One example that I already wrote about was the Yale study from 2020 on the emotional manipulation in the vaccine messaging, in which the primary objective was to get people to take the shots.
A therapist who is well aware of what’s happening around the world, and who also experienced this kind of covert abuse in her personal life, sent me this link called A Trauma Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear. She thought I might feel a similar shock that a bunch of trauma experts, some of whom we both learned from, co-signed on this memo.
They wrote it as part of their “supportive guidance to the Administration”:
The following memo has been developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of community, clinical and academic thought leaders from the trauma healing field to offer supportive guidance to the Administration. To successfully address this challenge, we need to shift the fundamental question from “What’s wrong with these people?” to “What happened to them?” While the reasons for vaccine fear are diverse, complex and bipartisan, we believe that individual and collective trauma is an underlying issue responsible for attitudes and beliefs in the vaccine fear-laden population.
It sounds so compassionate, doesn’t it, to shift the question from, “What’s wrong with these people (who don’t comply)?” to “What happened to them?”
This reminds me of the part in an abusive relationship when a covert abuser will find out all the points of weakness, pain or vulnerability in the target. They will first validate the target’s pain and struggle, extracting the trust of the target who may not have the discernment to recognize false compassion. This is a necessary step in order to get compliance. Eventually the grooming of trust through the validation and falsified compassion will be used against the target. Only the sophisticated (covert) abusers use this tactic, the ones who are masters of deception.
The article goes on to validate:
Because trauma survivors have had their autonomy taken away at crucial periods of development, physical and psychological safety and choice is critical in meaningfully engaging them and allaying valid fear.
It sounds like showing compassion for trauma survivors, but it’s also an instruction manual for how to covertly manipulate a trauma survivor, by using the right words and speaking to their specific pain points in order to get their compliance.
Autonomy, safety and choice are three key words in that paragraph.
Autonomy: In many places around the world, people were forced by their employer, their doctor or their government to take these dangerous experimental drugs. Where was the element of autonomy and self-governance for those who prefer other forms of treatment and prevention of illness because they know that’s what’s best for them?
Safety: The marketing campaign of safe and effective for these dangerous experimental drugs didn’t work to win the trust of many trauma survivors. Some of us already know the kind of covert abuse that can be hidden behind empty words and promises when someone wants our compliance with their desires and demands, but only because they want to protect us and keep us safe. They said they were doing it for love and because they care but they destroyed us in the process. We know better than to believe such empty words. In fact, promises of safety are often a red flag for those of us who already learned this lesson the hard way.
Choice: The absence of choice was alarming in cases where people were being coerced into taking these dangerous experimental drugs, or even for those of us onlookers, watching other people being coerced instead of given choice of their own free will. Many of us have been in relationships, whether personal or professional, where we were coerced into doing something we weren’t okay with, which ended up harming us in some way. We have learned that when someone is removing the element of choice, that’s a red flag of abuse and manipulation.
The article mentions four specific kinds of collective traumas to consider in addressing vaccine fear:
Medical system trauma — Yep, many of us have already been abused by doctors who we were taught were the authority over our health decisions. The article cites that medical error is the #3 cause of death and that indeed is a very important fact to take into consideration before considering any recommendations from doctors of that system.
Pharmaceutical industry trauma — Many people have been harmed by this industry. Smart people are aware that Big Pharma is a medical mafia and the only legal drug dealers, with a track record of criminal activity, deaths and harm. So of course we don’t trust their products, which they don’t even accept liability (responsibility) for in case of damages and death. We have also seen how these corporations try to hide and manipulate data to avoid accountability.
Racial trauma — Smart people of color know the traumatic history that the pharmaceutical-medical industry has in targeting their specific races in cases like the Tuskegee Experiment and the WHO/UNICEF/Gates Foundation sterilization of millions of women and girls in Kenya, or the forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of indigenous Peruvian natives. The Peruvian Ministry of Health called the forced sterilizations part of the National Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program. Sounds so benign that way, doesn’t it? The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population & Reproductive Health is another interesting euphemism for population control. There’s also his 2014 TedTalk in which Gates said if they do a really great job with vaccines and other health services, they could reduce the population by 10-15%. Do you remember the bizarre announcement by the Gates that black people and native Americans should be among the first people to get the shots? Surely this time it’s only because they care about the “most vulnerable”.
Government/political trauma — The article cites that public trust in the government is at an all-time low. I think we can all agree on that point, no matter where we fall on the political continuum. Apparently 2% of people polled said that they can trust the government in DC to do what is right “just about always”. The article also mentioned that the mistrust in government is mirrored in the public health system. This is normal mistrust when we see America’s star public health official and highest paid government employee, Dr. Fauci narcissistically claiming, “I am the science and if you’re against me you’re against science!” You’ve probably also seen some of the memes and photos of obese and otherwise unhealthy-looking public health officials in various countries who want people to listen to what they say not what they do.
All four of the specific collective traumas they named are true, though they didn’t mention the living Holocaust survivors who remember (or who reminded their descendants) of a time when people were forced into confinement and medical experiments without their consent. Too close for comfort? This example of collective trauma also makes people, even those simply observing the parallels between then and now, have a normal sense of mistrust about what’s happening.
The memo leaves out the many forms of individual trauma, namely those in which a person’s autonomy is removed by force or coercion by an abuser. This, again, would probably be a little too close for comfort when so much of the public health campaign has been about overt threats (Biden’s “It will be a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated” or all the countries and local areas who declared, “You’ll lose your ability to earn a living or get an education”) or the more covert tactics of shaming and guilt-tripping people into compliance (“You’re reckless and going to get people killed” or “You’re the reason society isn’t going back to normal”), even when the forceful or coercive statements are based on lies.
Toward the end, the memo reads:
Telling the truth helps rebuild lost trust, so acknowledging the systems level trauma that has impacted so many individuals, families, and communities is going to be a key first step to any effective strategy in addressing vaccine fear. Much like the Truth & Reconciliation process, it will be impossible to re-establish trust without these institutions taking ownership of past actions that have been traumatizing and followed with a compassionate and empathetic message that mistrust/fear around the vaccine makes total sense and is completely valid.
Again it sounds like validation for those who have been victims of the “systems level trauma”. And yes it’s true that, whether we are talking about the systems (collective) level or individual level of trauma, telling the truth is the only way to start rebuilding lost trust.
Truth is being scrubbed from the internet, cast away into the bin of censorship casualties in “the war on misinformation”, which is really just a euphemism for a war on anything that questions the official narrative.
Did they also tell the truth about the lack of safety and efficacy of the experimental drugs? Nope.
Are they telling the truth about all the people who have died or been injured by the experimental drugs? Nope again.
Did the corporations openly disclose the data from this mass medical experiment? Nope, in fact they wanted it sealed in secrecy by the FDA for 75 years so everyone alive now would be dead by then and no one would be left to make claims for the truth. Water under the bridge, right?
This is not the way to rebuild lost trust.
Of course these institutions aren’t taking ownership of past actions that have been traumatizing. It’s naive to think they would after getting away with it for so long and it’s beyond naive to believe that this time they’re not continuing to cause harm as they have over and over again in the past.
Telling the truth is not happening so trust cannot be restored.
Wise people, and many of whom are recovering abuse survivors, are able to discern that there can be no trust where there is not truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Since the truth is not being admitted or openly discussed, and since we are seeing many public health officials and governments doubling down on the lies, it’s not just trauma survivors who decline these products, but smart people in general.
The memo even validates that mistrust around the so-called vaccine makes total sense and is completely valid. But that’s just a confusing part of the mixed messages that any abuser uses to validate the target’s pain in order to extract trust and drive compliance.
The last two paragraphs of the memo read as follows:
Notice how many times the word resilience was featured. This is another euphemism of the cult of newnormalism. Resilience is an important word in trauma recovery and it’s being abused in cases like this. You may have noticed this word used in many other pandemic and climate related discourse. Did you notice how they found a way to weave in the topic of “climate-related disasters” to promoting vaccine uptake? Who wrote this copy, the WHO, the UN, the WEF…?
“There must be a coordinated approach across the country”, “…and a sustained approach to reach better outcomes broadly.” The therapist who sent me this memo link asked how long before therapists become mandated reporters of the unvaccinated like the Nazi doctors in the 1930s did with the sick, disabled and ethnically targeted?
In the memo, the trauma experts have drawn an interesting parallel between increasing vaccine uptake and improving society, such as decreasing rates of overdose, suicide and violence-related deaths — all of which have risen during the pandemic.
Suicide, overdoses, violence and self-harm are all clearly skyrocketing since the lockdowns and other mandates started in 2020. This memo is suggesting that vaccine uptake will improve society and avoid such tragedies. I’m not a scientist but I’m sure there is no science that shows vaccine uptake reduces suicide, overdose, violence and self-harm.
This reminds me of recent cases where people have killed themselves or attempted self-immolation due to the vaccine mandates like this one in Germany of a murder suicide of an entire family when the father was caught with a fake vaccine card in order to keep his job, or this one in Australia where a man self-immolated after an angry rant on the vaccine mandates. Then there was this one a month later in Italy where a man lit himself on fire in front of the police barracks for unknown reasons, though media sources insisted it did not have to do with the new Green Pass requirements for the Italian workforce.
So when they suggest that vaccine uptake could improve society and decrease the rates of overdose, suicide and violence-related deaths, I think what they’re actually suggesting is that they believe coordinated efforts for compliance would improve society, a dystopian society, where we all subscribe to the fairy tale that these experimental and harmful drugs are the life-saving solution we all need to feel better, so we trust these criminal corporations and corrupt governments with our life, then roll up our sleeves with a smile for a selfie.
There’s a psychological term for that: delusional psychosis. When the psychosis affects a group of people it’s called mass delusional psychosis or mass formation.
The mass formation has taken over most of academia and allopathic medicine, including the areas of abuse and trauma recovery.
I’m not saying that the trauma experts who co-signed this article are abusers. I believe some of them are compassionate people who I learned really valuable information about trauma recovery from and I’m grateful for what they have contributed to the field up until now. Most of those who co-signed this memo are probably enablers who really think they’re doing the right thing, the trauma-informed thing (because how could that be a bad thing?), to get broad buy-in on this “vaccine”, which they were brainwashed to think is a good thing for everyone.
From my perspective, the objective of this memo is to create a coordinated campaign to gain compliance among trauma survivors, by speaking their language so they feel validated and trusting, in order to override their understandable hesitancy to take these experimental drugs (and to comply with future tyrannical mandates related to public health, climate disasters, social credit and whatever the new I support the current thing is).
Every covert abuser uses meticulous language and all the right words to manipulate trust, consent and compliance. The role of the enablers in the abusive system is to parrot the words and phrases of the narrative, doing the bidding of the abusers in order to maintain the abusive system.
While it seems shocking that trauma experts would co-sign for such a thing and not even see the abuse traumas taking place around the world, let us not forget that in the 1930s, German doctors were completely subscribed to the mass formation of racial hygiene. Probably some of those doctors were renowned experts in their field, yet they bought into the euphemisms and Party line, justifying that it was all necessary for the public good.
So actually, it shouldn’t be so shocking after all that it’s happening again while another, and much more massive, Holocaust takes place. I think maybe part of the shock is that some of us just expected more from humanity nowadays, in these times of higher collective consciousness than last century.
One thing I’ve been wondering is what happened to all those doctors in Germany who enabled the Nazi’s atrocities, after the war when it became clear they were on the wrong side of history. Did they just pretend it didn’t happen? Did they atone for their sins and complicity with evil? Did they keep practicing medicine and seeing patients? Did they lose their minds or develop health issues from the guilt of what they enabled? Or did they tell their offspring why they did what they had to do, following orders, obeying and complying as good citizens doing their part, encouraging the next generation to do the same? That’s one WW2 History Channel documentary that was never made.
On the topic of manipulating trauma survivors into compliance, I also read this article suggesting that covid vaccine hesitancy could be linked to childhood trauma. The irony of the image of this article with a JUST OBEY sign!
The article gives the appearance of caring about supporting trauma survivors. They just want to help them do the right thing and get vaccinated.
The article states:
Those who suffer in childhood are also least likely to trust official NHS coronavirus information, follow the rules of restrictions or wear masks during the pandemic, public health experts found.
No kidding. Our childhood traumas gave some of us the discernment to recognize the red flags of abuse, coercion, authoritarianism and manipulation.
Apparently this study was done when health experts and policy makers were “urgently trying to figure out why” millions of people in the UK still hadn’t taken any doses of the experimental injectables. They’ve found a half-truth here.
From what I’ve noticed among abuse trauma survivors, only the ones who are empowered by actively taking responsibility over their lives and healing process are able to see through the covert abuse at the global level. Those who are still looking for answers and empowerment outside themselves fell right in. Those of us who are working to heal our childhood and adult traumas of abuse and integrating those experiences, are better able to discern the lies and abuse.
The results showed that the more trauma people had experienced in childhood, the more likely they were to mistrust NHS Covid-19 information, to feel unfairly restricted by the government and to support the end of mandatory face masks.
High five to the childhood trauma survivors who have worked on their own healing enough to develop the discernment necessary to mistrust the lying, deceptive, coercive and controlling government, private health organizations and media.
This part is my favorite:
Results here suggest such individuals may have more difficulty with compliance with public health control measures and consequently require additional support.
This is important not only for the current pandemic but for other public health emergencies arising in the future, they said.
“Consequently require additional support”… it almost sounds helpful and compassionate, doesn’t it? They don’t care about supporting trauma survivors. If they did, they would’ve studied how to help trauma survivors heal. Instead, they openly admit it’s all about compliance.
And they’re warning us that covid compliance was a test run for future "public health emergencies”. They will push compliance again, but next time with more data gathered from the beta test, which they will manipulate and pervert, in order to coerce people into doing what they’re told instead of choosing what’s right for them as sovereign individuals.
It’s important to remember that these social engineering tests and programs are not limited to pandemics.
Compliance is the name of the game and it’s the future they want for human beings. They aren’t even hiding it.
The social engineers have promoted the word compliance in corporate and medical culture for decades, a form of desensitization or predictive programming, so it’s become comfortable and familiar for people working in those environments who don’t question the words being used and what they really mean.
I could almost have more respect for the shred of humanity in the social engineers behind the studies and campaigns for compliance (the ones sponsoring and copywriting this stuff) if they openly admitted that it’s about obeying authority, being a slave to authoritarianism and doing what you’re told. The fact that they couch the agenda of compliance in words to make the target feel validated, understood, supported, and trusting, even recruiting experts to enable the abuse and make it sound kosher, that’s the part that makes this agenda truly evil.
Compliance has become inseparably woven into the science of newnormalism.
How to get people to comply is becoming the primary outcome measure for many scientific studies and public health campaigns. The science of transhumanism wants humans to merge with AI in order to become like robots, taking orders and doing what we are told by the programmers. They don’t want to leave anyone behind.
The system of compliance wants YOU.
They want us all to be completely subscribed and controllable. They’re so urgently pressed to get total 100% compliance that they’re dedicating resources to snuff out the reasons why some of us are still holding out as purebloods.
Maybe next they’ll research why many people regret taking the experimental drugs and refuse to take more now. The obvious answer is they’ve seen the data coming out and they’re either having adverse reactions or reading about more cases of otherwise healthy people dropping dead or having sudden heart and blood events and other atrocities. But that story won’t fit the narrative and I’m not sure how they can spin it to their favor.
Or maybe they’ll just come up with a more dangerous pathogen in order to terrify people into compliance with their harmful products and policies.
On the bright side, at least the social engineers are confirming what some of us already suspected, that trauma survivors, particularly those who are facing the truth and actively working to take responsibility for our lives and our healing, are developing an increasing and natural immunity to abuse and manipulation.
Wonderful piece, Meredith. The CDC today reports 14,346 people who have died in the U.S. from taking Covid shots. The Nuremburg Code demands that people be informed of the risks of experimental medicines and medical procedures, so they can make an informed decision in their own best interests. I read Alex Berenson's book "Pandemia: How Coronovirus Hysteria Took Over our Government, and Lives." Erika Kraus wrote "Tell Me Everything", which weaves in how complex trauma changes our brains, causing difficulty in thought-processes and decision-making necessary to save us from our abusers. Much love Meredith. I am so grateful to you for helping people like me who have gone through lifelong trauma and are on a path to learn how to live a better life.
Another insightful peice of writing Meredith. How predictable it is that these technocratic abusers who label those who question their agenda and tactics as being 'damaged' or 'mentally ill' so as to undermine the legitimacy of an individuals belief or opinion. Reacting strongly to this veiled insult (that our poor damaged minds can not discern correctly) would of course be interpreted as confirming their nasty insinuations ...
Let's conserve our energy and choose our battles carefully as this is going to be a very long and bloody war.
Kindest regards to you Meredith.