Wonderful piece, Meredith. The CDC today reports 14,346 people who have died in the U.S. from taking Covid shots. The Nuremburg Code demands that people be informed of the risks of experimental medicines and medical procedures, so they can make an informed decision in their own best interests. I read Alex Berenson's book "Pandemia: How Coronovirus Hysteria Took Over our Government, and Lives." Erika Kraus wrote "Tell Me Everything", which weaves in how complex trauma changes our brains, causing difficulty in thought-processes and decision-making necessary to save us from our abusers. Much love Meredith. I am so grateful to you for helping people like me who have gone through lifelong trauma and are on a path to learn how to live a better life.
Thanks for the book suggestions! I just bought one on Audible. You are right that what's happening goes against the Nuremberg Code. The sickest part is how they disguise it as something good and helpful, justifying their meticulous circumvention of the Nuremberg Code. VAERS is now showing 27,500 deaths and 1.2 million adverse effects. Harvard estimated that VAERS only shows 1-10% of the actual numbers. Robert Kennedy Jr. showed the data that they have to inject 22,000 people to save 1 life from covid. This is insanity.
I was 57th on the library list to get Kennedy's book. Now I'm all of the way down to 19, and can't wait to read it. Through this pandemic I felt like a German in 1941, trying to tell people that the smoke they're smelling is human bodies burning. I think the Cassandra Complex goes hand-in-glove with suffering narcissistic abuse. No one will listen. Is it because they'll be expected to do something about the abuse, and they don't want to stand up to aggressors? Maybe if society was taught how to collectively handle bullies, the whole planet would do much better.
Another insightful peice of writing Meredith. How predictable it is that these technocratic abusers who label those who question their agenda and tactics as being 'damaged' or 'mentally ill' so as to undermine the legitimacy of an individuals belief or opinion. Reacting strongly to this veiled insult (that our poor damaged minds can not discern correctly) would of course be interpreted as confirming their nasty insinuations ...
Let's conserve our energy and choose our battles carefully as this is going to be a very long and bloody war.
So true, Gilly. That's exactly how it works with the covert abusers in interpersonal relationships and the family. Choosing our battles carefully is indeed very important, responding instead of reacting to stay clear of their traps.
Great essay on compliance, Meredith. I love all the hyperlink sources for your article. It was comforting to read the survey from the UK on the compliance resistance in childhood trauma survivors. The writers of the report wrongly assumes that fear is the main motivator for the non-vaccinated. I believe it is not at all FEAR motivating our non-compliance, but a deeply held DESIRE to remain whole, as God created us, sovereign and free as God wished us to be. Thank you also for shining the light on the physical consequences of trauma, introducing dysautonomia, which appears related to neurangiosis, another condition of the autonomic nervous system, stemming from psychological trauma, you referenced a few years ago.
Scientism. Purely a religious mode of being, indirect opposition to actual science, which asks questions. This new bizarre fetish only makes proclamations and statements as desired by a small group of psychopathic abusers. They are on the size of the political spectrum, politics does not matter to them aside from being a tool to keep people divided, small and angry.
Joder, gracias por seguir ahí Mera, eres una pura sangre, leyéndote haces reactivar la mía, últimamente no me quedó más remedio que adormecer un poco mis sentidos y mi mente, si seguía expresando lo que pensaba no dejaba de recibir dudas y rechazo por parte de personas cercanas, incluso de grupos de apoyo de supervivientes de traumas, es muy complejo lidiar con la propia sanación de uno y sumarle esto durante tanto tiempo, pero es leerte y mi cuerpo se reactiva de inmediato, la verdad se reconoce, se siente. Gracias por tu valentía, eres necesaria para que otros no nos acabemos por apagar. Te quiero mucho
El síndrome de Estocolmo colectivo al que estamos sometidos es muy desgastador, lo bueno es que lo que sirvió para sanar lo individual, servirá para lo colectivo. En mi caso fue el dolor lo que me hizo despertar, supongo que esto acabará por explotar algún día de manera colectiva también, llevo preparado para eso desde mi infancia.
Ojalá pueda conocerte algún día, me encantaría conversar con alguien como tú.
Your last paragraph is hopeful. Why aren't there more of us who leave their abusers?
re: this paragraph: "I’m not saying that the trauma experts who co-signed this article are abusers. I believe some of them are compassionate people who I learned really valuable information about trauma recovery from and I’m grateful for what they have contributed to the field up until now. Most of those who co-signed this memo are probably enablers who really think they’re doing the right thing, the trauma-informed thing (because how could that be a bad thing?), to get broad buy-in on this “vaccine”, which they were brainwashed to think is a good thing for everyone."
I'll say it. They are also abusers, and they are also responsible. They can't just say "my bad" and continue on.
You might be right, Dana. And yes, they're definitely responsible for their actions. I think for now I still want to give the trauma experts who co-signed that memo the benefit of the doubt that it could be their ignorance/incompetence about the covert abuse that they are enabling, instead of malice. Time will tell whether they repent or not and that will reveal their character.
Ah Meredith, you are kind. And generous. Thank you, we need that.
My wife and daughters and I were discussing something along these lines at dinner last night. After answering their questions and discussing their thoughts, I told them I think the phrase "power corrupts" isn't quite accurate. Power doesn't corrupt, but it surely does expose a corrupt soul. Maybe this falls somewhere along those lines.
It's hard to understand how the experts can not see in themselves the very trait they have studied so much. Perhaps they do, and like many of us, just want to cover it up. Maybe they recognize it and know in their heart that to face it or expose it to the light would be traumatic for them.
Bravo, my thoughts exactly. There are no ' grey areas' as far as abuse goes or such a thing as pliable moral values. Principles are by their very nature consistent and non negotiable. These 'experts' are neither naive or misinformed. They are complicit in promoting the idea that non compliance is an illness.
Compliance. Anytime someone tries to force me into something, all my spidy senses tingle. Something about me, I dont know; I never thought of myself as being abused. Traumatized by this effing system, perhaps, but isn't that more of a life condition?
What did the Nazi doctors do afterwards? "The Nazi Doctors" Robert J Lifton. Warning, it's a hefty tome.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Meredith. I have been making efforts to connect with family (I have a very small one) in order to stay in relationship with them. They are angry about the choice I have made about not getting an injection. I had thought we could talk (on the phone) about other things and not about our choices around 'Covid'. I have read your piece a few times. When I read...... "Abuse is a disqualifying condition for things to be worked out by talking about the issues", I realized their silence feels like abuse to me. I really had to stop and remind myself that I was making all the effort and getting nothing. I am stunned that my sister could end a relationship of 62 years over personal choices. I am deeply hurt with the lack of connection and acceptance. I now need to focus on healing myself and not using energy to try to heal my family relationships. I appreciate you sharing your 'gifts'.
It’s sad to lose people especially those closest over all of this. It’s getting to the point where everyone’s values are becoming more clear and many are discovering incompatibilities that seem to be unresolvable. The isolation and lack of connection is brutal. Keep speaking your truth and little by little you’ll find those who resonate with you. Anytime I’m out and talking to strangers I always say something about the state of the world to see if they recoil or lean in. If they recoil or look at me blankly in silence I drop it and move on. I love when people respond like someone who has been walking through the desert too long without water and suddenly find it. Most of the people closest to me now I’ve met in the recent years and we connected because we are on the same page. There’s a lot of us out there! We may not agree on everything but we share core values of personal liberty and responsibility and that’s no small thing.
Thank you Meredith, I feel the ways you express your knowledge and guidance gives me hope. You are very compassionate and directed to 'living' forward, while trusting and loving one's self. You are a Mentor and a Guide.
Wonderful piece, Meredith. The CDC today reports 14,346 people who have died in the U.S. from taking Covid shots. The Nuremburg Code demands that people be informed of the risks of experimental medicines and medical procedures, so they can make an informed decision in their own best interests. I read Alex Berenson's book "Pandemia: How Coronovirus Hysteria Took Over our Government, and Lives." Erika Kraus wrote "Tell Me Everything", which weaves in how complex trauma changes our brains, causing difficulty in thought-processes and decision-making necessary to save us from our abusers. Much love Meredith. I am so grateful to you for helping people like me who have gone through lifelong trauma and are on a path to learn how to live a better life.
Thanks for the book suggestions! I just bought one on Audible. You are right that what's happening goes against the Nuremberg Code. The sickest part is how they disguise it as something good and helpful, justifying their meticulous circumvention of the Nuremberg Code. VAERS is now showing 27,500 deaths and 1.2 million adverse effects. Harvard estimated that VAERS only shows 1-10% of the actual numbers. Robert Kennedy Jr. showed the data that they have to inject 22,000 people to save 1 life from covid. This is insanity.
I was 57th on the library list to get Kennedy's book. Now I'm all of the way down to 19, and can't wait to read it. Through this pandemic I felt like a German in 1941, trying to tell people that the smoke they're smelling is human bodies burning. I think the Cassandra Complex goes hand-in-glove with suffering narcissistic abuse. No one will listen. Is it because they'll be expected to do something about the abuse, and they don't want to stand up to aggressors? Maybe if society was taught how to collectively handle bullies, the whole planet would do much better.
Another insightful peice of writing Meredith. How predictable it is that these technocratic abusers who label those who question their agenda and tactics as being 'damaged' or 'mentally ill' so as to undermine the legitimacy of an individuals belief or opinion. Reacting strongly to this veiled insult (that our poor damaged minds can not discern correctly) would of course be interpreted as confirming their nasty insinuations ...
Let's conserve our energy and choose our battles carefully as this is going to be a very long and bloody war.
Kindest regards to you Meredith.
So true, Gilly. That's exactly how it works with the covert abusers in interpersonal relationships and the family. Choosing our battles carefully is indeed very important, responding instead of reacting to stay clear of their traps.
Great essay on compliance, Meredith. I love all the hyperlink sources for your article. It was comforting to read the survey from the UK on the compliance resistance in childhood trauma survivors. The writers of the report wrongly assumes that fear is the main motivator for the non-vaccinated. I believe it is not at all FEAR motivating our non-compliance, but a deeply held DESIRE to remain whole, as God created us, sovereign and free as God wished us to be. Thank you also for shining the light on the physical consequences of trauma, introducing dysautonomia, which appears related to neurangiosis, another condition of the autonomic nervous system, stemming from psychological trauma, you referenced a few years ago.
Scientism. Purely a religious mode of being, indirect opposition to actual science, which asks questions. This new bizarre fetish only makes proclamations and statements as desired by a small group of psychopathic abusers. They are on the size of the political spectrum, politics does not matter to them aside from being a tool to keep people divided, small and angry.
Thank you Meredith!
Joder, gracias por seguir ahí Mera, eres una pura sangre, leyéndote haces reactivar la mía, últimamente no me quedó más remedio que adormecer un poco mis sentidos y mi mente, si seguía expresando lo que pensaba no dejaba de recibir dudas y rechazo por parte de personas cercanas, incluso de grupos de apoyo de supervivientes de traumas, es muy complejo lidiar con la propia sanación de uno y sumarle esto durante tanto tiempo, pero es leerte y mi cuerpo se reactiva de inmediato, la verdad se reconoce, se siente. Gracias por tu valentía, eres necesaria para que otros no nos acabemos por apagar. Te quiero mucho
El síndrome de Estocolmo colectivo al que estamos sometidos es muy desgastador, lo bueno es que lo que sirvió para sanar lo individual, servirá para lo colectivo. En mi caso fue el dolor lo que me hizo despertar, supongo que esto acabará por explotar algún día de manera colectiva también, llevo preparado para eso desde mi infancia.
Ojalá pueda conocerte algún día, me encantaría conversar con alguien como tú.
Es verdad que es el dolor que hace que la gente se despierte. Estamos viviendo en tiempos de transformación masiva. Sigue brillando la luz!
Your last paragraph is hopeful. Why aren't there more of us who leave their abusers?
re: this paragraph: "I’m not saying that the trauma experts who co-signed this article are abusers. I believe some of them are compassionate people who I learned really valuable information about trauma recovery from and I’m grateful for what they have contributed to the field up until now. Most of those who co-signed this memo are probably enablers who really think they’re doing the right thing, the trauma-informed thing (because how could that be a bad thing?), to get broad buy-in on this “vaccine”, which they were brainwashed to think is a good thing for everyone."
I'll say it. They are also abusers, and they are also responsible. They can't just say "my bad" and continue on.
You might be right, Dana. And yes, they're definitely responsible for their actions. I think for now I still want to give the trauma experts who co-signed that memo the benefit of the doubt that it could be their ignorance/incompetence about the covert abuse that they are enabling, instead of malice. Time will tell whether they repent or not and that will reveal their character.
Ah Meredith, you are kind. And generous. Thank you, we need that.
My wife and daughters and I were discussing something along these lines at dinner last night. After answering their questions and discussing their thoughts, I told them I think the phrase "power corrupts" isn't quite accurate. Power doesn't corrupt, but it surely does expose a corrupt soul. Maybe this falls somewhere along those lines.
It's hard to understand how the experts can not see in themselves the very trait they have studied so much. Perhaps they do, and like many of us, just want to cover it up. Maybe they recognize it and know in their heart that to face it or expose it to the light would be traumatic for them.
Let's hope so. The other option is psychopathy.
Bravo, my thoughts exactly. There are no ' grey areas' as far as abuse goes or such a thing as pliable moral values. Principles are by their very nature consistent and non negotiable. These 'experts' are neither naive or misinformed. They are complicit in promoting the idea that non compliance is an illness.
I had to come back to re-read this one.
Compliance. Anytime someone tries to force me into something, all my spidy senses tingle. Something about me, I dont know; I never thought of myself as being abused. Traumatized by this effing system, perhaps, but isn't that more of a life condition?
What did the Nazi doctors do afterwards? "The Nazi Doctors" Robert J Lifton. Warning, it's a hefty tome.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Meredith. I have been making efforts to connect with family (I have a very small one) in order to stay in relationship with them. They are angry about the choice I have made about not getting an injection. I had thought we could talk (on the phone) about other things and not about our choices around 'Covid'. I have read your piece a few times. When I read...... "Abuse is a disqualifying condition for things to be worked out by talking about the issues", I realized their silence feels like abuse to me. I really had to stop and remind myself that I was making all the effort and getting nothing. I am stunned that my sister could end a relationship of 62 years over personal choices. I am deeply hurt with the lack of connection and acceptance. I now need to focus on healing myself and not using energy to try to heal my family relationships. I appreciate you sharing your 'gifts'.
It’s sad to lose people especially those closest over all of this. It’s getting to the point where everyone’s values are becoming more clear and many are discovering incompatibilities that seem to be unresolvable. The isolation and lack of connection is brutal. Keep speaking your truth and little by little you’ll find those who resonate with you. Anytime I’m out and talking to strangers I always say something about the state of the world to see if they recoil or lean in. If they recoil or look at me blankly in silence I drop it and move on. I love when people respond like someone who has been walking through the desert too long without water and suddenly find it. Most of the people closest to me now I’ve met in the recent years and we connected because we are on the same page. There’s a lot of us out there! We may not agree on everything but we share core values of personal liberty and responsibility and that’s no small thing.
Thank you Meredith, I feel the ways you express your knowledge and guidance gives me hope. You are very compassionate and directed to 'living' forward, while trusting and loving one's self. You are a Mentor and a Guide.
I feel you. Although I’m only in my mid 40s, several of my closest family relationships did not survive this insanity/abuse trauma.