Hmm, a rather conclusive reporting on recent events. I'm very much aligned with M. Miller on the tragedy unfolding before us. Here is my take:


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Meredith, this parallels my latest article, "The Undeclared War," with research going back to the early postwar plans formulated by the "elites" (parasites) for mass control. https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-undeclared-war

I'm working on another essay that incorporates your ideas of the narcissistic abuser and am trying to remember where I found your excellent slideshow, but can't. Can you please provide me a link? Thanks! Your work provides important context for the massive psyop that just went down.

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It is super creepy how they always broadcast their upcoming moves, several weeks or months before they do it… The orange and red flags, you would think that we would learn to read well ahead of time, both in our personal relationships and the widespread social psychopathic abuse now being carried out in full daylight. But normal humans, people of conscience talk ourselves out of it. We think “there’s no way that anyone could imagine doing such a thing!“ Well, darlings, there is and they can!

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The fog of 5th generation unrestricted warfare is so thick, people cannot even understand they are in one.

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Thankyou for this excellent article.

I still cannot believe in the theory and claims of "Direct Energy Weapons" being so deadly. Only the Almighty God has such power. It is fear driven as is the support tool, i.e., the "emergency system". The tool again is the digital system that is the supposed alarm to warn people of a disaster like a Tsunami.

The common denominator is the use on natural events and natural disasters that are claimed as "the proof" of global warming and the fear of climate change.

What is being done that they (Globalists) can predict weather using their service corporations and then can select a particular type of event like a hurricane or gale force winds or massive powerful rain storms or snow storms and Tornadoes that occur naturally. Specifically seasonal conditions as well as environmental conditions like build-up of combustibles that can be utilised to create or manufacture a disaster that becomes created crises. They can exacerbate this situation using arson, as is the case we see in many areas like Australia and Canada, Italy and now Hawaii.

One can observe that there is a natural events like and earthquake and that is used as a claim of the power of force that they Elite$ control by "Geoengineering" or "Direct Energy Weapons" and trumpet HAARP and Chemtrails and "COVID". It is nothing more driving fear and terror and is essentially a form of tyranny. "The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear – fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety." - H. L. Mencken

What you do correctly confirm is the desire by WEF and UN affiliated "philanthropaths "- (Thanks to Margaret Anna Alice coining that) to terrorize and take over the world by offering salvation.

It is well coordinated by them and their ilk like Bill Gates and the other fiends like Schwab and goblins like Peter Hotez and Anthony Fauci who act as wizards and the MSM foghorns in tune escalating and exaggerating fear.

Sure that are disasters and natural disasters that are terrifying, however we need to be more discerning and look firstly if we think it nay be a situation that can be exploited and to remain sceptics to always consider cui bono.

These are Hegelian dialects being used against gullible people as crises to be cured or salvation being offered by colluders. We live in very evil times for sure.

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The two reallygraceful videos are also on Odysee should you wish to lend support to a platform that embraces free speech instead of censorship.

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Great to hear from you again Meredith! I've woven the Maui fires into my latest essay, "The Undeclared War: The Deep State's War on its Own Citizens." Certainly much that is highly suspicious about almost all this summer's fires. In Canada, Nova Scotian retired forester and fire investigator Peter MacIsaac said in an interview that he has spoken to investigators in Quebec who say the fires all started simultaneously, an impossibility in nature. Like you, I write about the psychopathic nature of these so-called "elites"—or as one writer said they should be called, "parasites." Here's the link: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-undeclared-war

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The dogs won't back off. They must be killed.

How have societies dealt with the psychopaths, parasites and narcissists historically? I studied the witch crazes quite in depth in college decades ago - think it would be interesting to revisit. How have societies rid themselves of these sorts? Personally, I fear it might be some sort of emergent biology; chimps can be pretty mean, after all, ripping each other to pieces and eating the parts. Presumably there is a biological purpose or trade-off.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Meredith Miller

Thank you, Meredith ❤️ I’m grateful for your insights.

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Thank you; I was thinking you might have something to say that we needed to hear.

What do you call it when they really do mean to kill us, and they aren't afraid to do it?

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Meredith Miller

Two great new words today. Philanthropath and Smugnorant

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They’re walking all over us now. As we’ve known for some time, they made their ever predictable switch from “Covid Crisis,” to “Climate Crisis”… smooth as silk and barely noticed by the mindless buffoons all too busy queuing up for Barbie and regurgitating their media fed lunacy as though gospel.

“Global Boiling”… give me a f*cking break!

They’re always a good few hundred thousand steps in front of us. No sooner a few have begun waking up to some reality regarding the previous bullshit crisis… they’ve moved right onto the next one…. and then the next… and the next… and, well, you get it.

Things are getting so f*cking stupidly insane… trying to get any truth across, can only make us look more insane than the bulk of the hypnotised sheep think we already are! Try explaining DARPA, HAARP and DEWs to these f*cking woodheads—see how far you get.

It’s getting to the point of hopelessness!

Nothing whatsoever is questioned, regardless of how idiotically stupid, illogical and irrational it may be… not that it ever was questioned of course!

Every single minute, of every single day… the big crunching wheel of the globalist steamroller continues to roll over us, until it reaches the inevitable destination towards which it’s always been headed.

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The Journal of the American Medical Assoc released a "study" that says anything that is contrary to what the FDA, CDC and WHO says is misinformation. Also, not one single person has died or has been seriously harmed by mRNA jabs. So it is quite obvious at this point - no matter how many people the medical cartel/gov harms or kills, the narrative will always be "safe and effective," and the "criminals" will be those who question the Official Narrative.


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Someone just sent me a video of the local police shutting down the "placard" system to issue permission slips for people to move around the area. He literally said, "There are Powers That Be, I'm not sure the reason. All I know is the order has come down to shut down the distribution of these placards". If you want to see it, scroll up on this Telegram channel to 4:57am this morning 08/17/2023. That might be Central USA time since I'm looking at it on my device. https://t.me/s/PrivateCanadianNews

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Meredith, I just checked over on Bitchute...Ed Dowd gives a first hand account on the fires, if anyone wants to get his insight...Bitchute, search Ed Dowd, most recent. Thanks Meredith for all you do.....what would the country do without you, and the other people, who have the strength of your convictions. Respect.G

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