Love all the little signs that happen for you on your spiritual journey, Meredith.

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Congratulations for stepping back into your higher self. Thank you for sharing your story, It's worth mentioning that even during your time of despair, you were so beneficial to me. Thank you for all you've done.

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This is exactly what I needed to read, Meredith. Immeasurable thanks for your wisdom, knowledge, humility, writing skills and pure honesty. xx

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EPIC! :) Thank you.

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I woke up this morning thinking of your article. I have been following a holistic doctor for many years. I love him. Dr. Robert Morse, https://morses.tv/ Dr. Morse has made many, many videos in his life time for people to be healthy physically and mentally. In one or maybe more, I forget the exact video(s), he talks of a lady that had health issues. She had left the country of her family and eventually started following Dr. Morse protocol. She got better physically and mentally following Dr. Morse.

Dr. Morse mainly believes that we have lymph nodes through out our body. That we need to clean our lymph out like we clean out our kitchen sink pipes from time to time as it gets clogged with all the un-natural stuff we put in our bodies. Dr. Morse believes in cleaning out our lymph by eating fruit, berries and melons, and after a period of detox, a lot of people do get better physically from dramatic illnesses and mentally as they are no longer weighed down.

Dr. Morse talks about "our monkey" mind getting a hold of us. Taking over. That we have to learn to control our monkey mind. That those people over there are doing this or that, that isn't good, but we over here are in the "present and now" and stay calm. One of the narcissistic abuse survivor author on You Tube, I forget her name now, talked about it. Like you are Bugs Bunny just over here munching on a carrot and Tasmanian Devil is wrecking havoc over there and don't let that affect your physical and mental well being. Sorry. I looked for the right clip and can't find it. Basically stay in the "Here and Now", like Ram Dass spoke of.

Anyway this lady went back home to another country for a "visit" with her very toxic father. After that she couldn't get back on track and I think all her illness came back and she died. That just one visit home to a toxic father messed her up real bad. She was doing so, so well before that. As Richard Grannon says you think you are enlightened, spend a week with your family.

I guess what I am saying we can float back to getting sick mentally and physically. We have to guard ourselves. I too was doing well physically and mentally before cov id. I didn't agree with my very large and toxic family of origin with cov id issues. I too slipped back to unhealthy ways and am having trouble getting back my health physically and mentally. Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two very different things.

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Meredith, you are a modern day mystic.

YOU are healing the planet.

I’m so grateful for your courage and love for humanity.

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With Orwell's 1984 as compulsory reading at school in the 1960s, and having processed my fear-of-authority when the 9/11 narrative was made to stick in the public mind, by the time the Covid bollocks came along it was yawn-yawn-seen-it-all-before - and I spent my lockdown time in the countryside going for long walks and building a geodesic greenhouse in the garden which you can see on my textiles/creative projects Substack channel here: https://joshuabondyarnshifting.substack.com/p/yarnshifting-chapter-7

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"... yawn-yawn-seen-it-all-before ..." - if only a few more people hadn't felt that way!

Yeah, when I realised they faked the death and injury on 9/11, I worked out that in psyops they do what they want for real and fake the rest so when covid came along I could tell immediately it was a psyop with the Revelation-of-the-Method images of people falling flat on their faces and laid out on the ground, etc and I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in one so from Day One I knew there was no virus ... however, I had no idea of what was to come and the fact that everyone just swallowed it did frighten me.

Love your greenhouse!

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Thank you (about the greenhouse, that is). Yes, the thing I had to 'process' about 9/11 was that people believed the official narrative so easily - and that was truly scary. Ditto with Covid, with friends and family rushing out to get vaxxed believing a killer-virus was on the loose.

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That’s a really beautiful dome greenhouse!

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Thank you. I then built another one, 50% bigger, which I had on our one-hectare quinta (small-holding). Quinta now sold, so I took the dome to pieces and donated it to a community project, now rebuilt to live again. Will post a picture of that one some time in the future.

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I really enjoyed reading this post and recognized so many parallels in my own journey. I agree with you on the self care and exercise. When you have a set system in place, everything flows and functions much better.

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Excellent write up!

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Thank you so much for writing that. I can relate to so much of what you wrote. Wishing you happiness and peace of mind always.

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One of the worst cuts of the double edged sword was that the freeze mode of endless reading, research culdesacs and rabbit holing is the time loss. I'm okay with the ten phd's but it is finally time to be back in the body world of work and income. For myself and my family they now have a dad/husband who can laugh at clowns and not be scared or distracted by them, but they need him to start earning money and doing the basics.

I'm glad to be back but the trip was good too!

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Yep, this PTSD state is what they intended to induce long term on us, which disconnects us from reality. We end up living in a false reality not unlike past wars did to people.

Read the transcript here below the video where Michael Nehls explains how it works in the brain!


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Thank you for taking the time to type up his transcript! It was really fascinating and makes so much sense.

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