
It's Happening FOR Us, Not to Us

How are we responding to the evolutionary calling of the 2020s?

Looking at all the craziness of the recent years, it’s easy to wonder, why this is happening? Surely most of us wish it never happened, which is the normal response to any kind of life-altering trauma.

During the recent months, I’ve heard a similar phrase multiple times from different sources.

Everything is happening FOR you, not to you.

This concept fits into the work I do of helping people bridge the gap between trauma and purpose. It’s indicative of empowerment consciousness vs. the victim consciousness of helplessness and powerlessness.

That first threshold from victimhood into the new reality as an empowered survivor is where a person starts to own 100% self-responsibility, which is not the same as blame or fault.

Responsibility sounds like: I have a choice and my choice is my power. If I don’t like my choices, I can make new choices.

The choices that we are making now will determine what legacy we pass forward to future generations, individually and collectively.

As each of us looks at the legacy of our family and ancestral line, we can notice how we inherited a mix of trauma and resilience. We can add to that our individual life experiences, all of which prepared us to evolve and step into higher purpose.

It happened for us, not to us.

When we are conceived, the two cells merge, one from the mother and one from the father. I imagine that it’s like a download of energy, consciousness, information and frequency from both ancestral lineages. This data gets downloaded into the new life form, which then carries on the codes of their ancestors in their own energy and consciousness.

So we inherit all of the unresolved trauma as well as the strengths and wisdom—the codes of their resilience. We are alive because our ancestors survived. That’s an amazing and miraculous thing, yet a lot of that burden also got passed down.

It’s up to us what we do with it.

History repeats itself is a collective manifestation of all the ancestral trauma that got passed down and all the individual trauma that one doesn’t heal and then passes down to the next generation. This compounds over time, unless we interrupt the patterns.

What’s happening now in our world is a massive calling for us to face and heal the trauma so we can pass forward a legacy of greater resilience.

If not, this is going to have a devastating impact on future generations.

This is our choice and responsibility.

How are we responding, individually and collectively, to the evolutionary pressure of the 2020s?

The full interview from July 12, 2024 with Tammy Cuthbert Garcia from Naturally Inspired Radio on 1360AM KHNC, The Lion AKA “The Roar of the Rockies”, is available on Rumble here.

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