I have known Cluster-B types (what might that say about me?). At their worst. When COVID Mania hit, the behaviour and attitudes I was seeing were very familiar to me. It was Cluster-B lunacy all over again. Society-wide.

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"Eventually there comes a time in some psychologically abusive relationships when the target’s denial is pierced by the disruptive truth. At first, it feels like a frying pan to the head. The person is in shock as their entire reality shatters and they’re left trying to make sense of all the pieces."

I think you could say this about the woman in France whose husband is charged with inviting more than 50 unknown men to rape her while unconscious. Over many years. Although I did wonder how she squared it with herself that she had memory blanks for all of those evenings.

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So horrified by what I saw of humanity during the germ hysteria, I don’t want to have much contact with 99% of them. Fortunately my family and neighbors are awesome. Lost almost every friend, and they were either PhD scientists or freedom loving homeschoolers, both with the education to see through the lies, but did not. All turned into lunatics.

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Hi Meredith. I'd very much appreciate to know your thoughts on this!


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I have noticed that when I go out on a Friday, when I went for a walk a few months ago on a Friday. The streets down the beach were empty. A decade or so ago, at the time I used to go clubbing with my friends in the same location it was PACKED. It was can barely move or breathe packed! All the comraderie that people used to have has disappeared. There's just nothing.

There was some sort of happy feeling illusion that was present before the lockdown. I think it is a deeply animalistic thing that peoples reality has been hit a bit hard. The governments of the world locked down the entire planet two weeks after the virus was declared. It is definitely the case that like you say, things just aren't returning to normal.

But I don't think they can return to normal for several reasons: 1) People are dropping dead left right and centre from the vax. I think the normies are struggling with this one. They know what's going on but will never say it. Also, obviously it's difficult for them to contemplate that their government has deliberately done this. It's all going on inside they are just not talking about it. 2) The darkness is contagious. There were MANY suicides. Way more than will ever be admitted I believe. Like, I am very very non social. Very withdrawn. I don't speak to people much, I'm NEVER up with the gossip; but the amount of suicides I heard about were in the double figures. This means that for each suicide there are a bunch of people grieving for that person.

I am waiting expectantly for the Creator to pluck harmony into this mess we find ourselves in.

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Yet another fantastic piece Meredith! I genuinely appreciate your thought process and the way you are able to convey such insight, compassion and wisdom into your writings. Yours is a voice we surely need and the vibes you bring are making the world a brighter, more loving place! THANK YOU!!✌️💖

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Thank you for writing here and elsewhere about the similarities between abuse in personal relationships and abuse by authorities, as we've seen in the last three years. I escaped from an abusive relationship two months before the fear campaign began in earnest in 2020, and I think that experience helped me to recognize what was going on and resist the gaslighting and fear porn.

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Hi Meredith, Thanks for this great article about how important our social connections are and the destructive impact the fear factor has had on them. Creating unrest and division is what it's all about.

The last thing that "they" want is for us to reunite as a like-minded force in opposition.

I can say for myself, that even though I have resumed most of my relationships with friend groups over the course of this last year, we had had really big rifts that had developed since the beginning of the "pandemic". I am still very cautious about what I say, and we avoid those topics altogether, which makes me feel "yucky" inside. I know that unless we can begin to start talking to each other about what happened to us, we will not be able to understand it and let it go. I do see that those powers that forced this crisis on us are cooking up new schemes to play that fear card again, so we have to be ready to resist.

Speaking of being spiritual warriors, I came across a strategy that's being tested involving the power of collective heart centered energy focused on the single intention of bringing peace and reconciliation into our broken world, our individual communities, families and social relationships through the meditative practice of labyrinth walking. Across the world on Saturday, May 6, 2023, people are being encouraged to participate in World Labyrinth Day. Select a labyrinth in your community and invite your group, neighbors, whoever to gather to "Walk as One at 1pm" local time in prayerful reflection holding that collective intention as mentioned above. It will be a rolling wave of energy passing from one time zone to the next. It could really be a powerful tool for transformation and unity. Worth a try, don't you think?

More info here www.worldlabyrinthday.org

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Te he leído Mere

Aún no encuentro con quién puedas hacer una colaboración en español

Podrías contactar a Belén (no recuerdo su apellido), su canal de Youtube es 'Pulsion de Vida - Psicología' , ella es una joven psicóloga argentina y hace un gran análisis sobre el Abuso Narcisista.

Y también, si quieres seguir a Lorena Barrera, mexicana, su canal de Youtube se llama 'La Bruja Filosófica', tal vez te guste.

Te Quiero Mucho ✨

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That was a really great interview! How incredible for you to get to talk with Dr. Yeadon, Mr. Fuellmich and Mr. Molitorisz. The extent of the lies we have been told is really astounding and it is really hard to open your eyes to it if you have never had to fight for your own reality against and abuser before.

I have had to fight that kind of fight before and I won’t get into the details of that here but let’s just say my eyes were opened early on to what narcissistic abuse looks and feels like and it has made me very skeptical of what I am told by anyone in a position of power. What you bring to the table in emphasizing the need for healthy social connection is so important and has been a point of pain for me and millions of others during this covid event.

What has really helped me is to embrace a calming meditation practice and to do everything I can to cultivate peace and calm in myself because I am naturally very hurt, frightened and angry about everything that has transpired and the relationships that I may never recover.

It is imperative now more than ever, that we live our lives based in love, not fear.

Thank you for what you are contributing to bring that positive message to all of us.

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fear IS the virus. spreads like wildfire.

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I said during the height of covid madness that people should stop protesting against lockdowns and start having street parties to celebrate the completely average mortality rates for 2020. But nobody listened to me.

I also said people should stop opposing the vaccine and instead form a giant army of enthusiastic helpers to descend on the scientific community and offer to help them isolate the alleged virus and prove its contagion, or at least make them endless sandwiches and cakes so they can focus on that task. But again, nobody listened to me.

More and more I see the all powerful and scary architects of this dystopian nightmare as mere symptoms of our own neurosis, laziness and idiocy. Nobody is really doing anything to us, we're doing it all to ourselves.

Tyranny is just what happens when there is a sustained lack of imagination and spontaneity. Tyranny is just stale air, a messy house, a wretched marriage. We should see the Schwabs of this world as competitors who have every right to build their stupid lego model, just as we have every right to build ours. We should just focus on building something better, so that the masses choose ours. Because that's the game here. We can't expect most people to go through a full awakening process. Most people just want to choose the most comfortable and appealing path. It's our jobs to create a path which is more appealing than injecting nonsense into your arm every 6 months and living in a shoe box, eating insects and having no holidays ever again.

It's not a battle to DEFEAT the 'technocrats' or the 'patriarchy' or the 'global elite' ..... it's a battle to WIN the hearts and minds of your neighbours, relatives and work colleagues.

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Don Juan Matus also said that the flyers (predators) gave us their mind!

This is where I see that they're losing badly. The fear mind was expected to last longer.

The dismal booster uptake is a good sign that people are sensing that something is wrong. They may not be conscious of it, but there's a part of them that knows!

The issue of Self-importance mentioned by Don Juan Matus refers to the superego, the false ego that is given to you by society.

Gurdjieff spoke of how we grow a soul, not that we are given it.

I think that connects to the true ego, which gets born from seeing reality and relating to it.

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Excellent read, and insights. I know I'm a fleer when I am in a stressful situation, learned when I was young, at home with an abusive father. I have noted to order the book you suggested. The last three years have made me relive my psychology classes, and it has been both terrifying and informative to watch this historical scam....I was able to sift through the deceit this way. I have been working on acknowledging these defence mechanisms of mine, and feel so much stronger and aware of how I behave. Making connections with like-minded souls these last three years was the only way to stay sane as the craziness swirled around us all. With God's grace I felt protected, and supported as I was unable to count on my family of origin; they were all lost to the madness. My two young adult children and I were the only ones out of 24 family members who seemed to have had any clue about what was going on, and practiced informed refusal for almost everything. People around me still cannot believe I never took one Covid test, never wore a mask, and ignored all of the utter nonsense....I took my autonomy and God given rights to heart and chose bravery instead. In some ways it was fun to witness the reactions; not all were negative. Most people here in Switzerland left me alone. Sometimes I even got some to take off their masks in solidarity, and that felt good. Of course any thoughts of the shots were all negative for me and my kids, and a very clear NO. It still baffles me how so many were sucked into the nonsense, and that they complied like sheep. I will never quite understand how it was so many, and we, the dissenters, were so few. There will be a plethora of studies in the future about this I would imagine. Thank you for such an interesting read. Eileen

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So love your work Meredith. I used to stop whatever I was doing (for years) when your Ytube channel posted. It got me through the day then (awful times). Now I do the same with your posts here, 'cos they validate the journey. Thank you for your amazing work, Meredith. You truly are a truth angel. x G

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Excellent analysis! Check out these songs of Covid gaslighting and discrimination

MY APOLOGY. A self-styled “parenting expert” makes a plea for “Pandemic Amnesty.” Listen to Turfseer’s latest hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-aplogyq

A Canadian Nurse is fired for refusing to take the jab. Listen to Turfseer’s new protest song A GOOD NURSE: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/a-good-nurse

Discrimination rears its ugly head again. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE BACK OF THE BUS. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-back-of-the-bus

DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

Watch O HOLY ROMAN, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask https://turfseer.substack.com/p/o-holy-roman

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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